A unique public-private ocean institute that convenes and nurtures the best and brightest pioneers and organizations in science, business, and education.


We bring the world’s finest climate and marine scientists and engineers together to conduct breakthrough research and discover solutions to food and energy supply, climate change, and ocean exploration.

AltaSea nurtures new and existing commercial ocean-related products, services, and jobs.

Among our more than 40 active business leaders are EcoWave Power, Pacific6, Sperra, and Blue Robotics.

AltaSea is pioneering programs that immerse children and adults in the ocean’s critical role for the future of our planet.


AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles is dedicated to accelerating scientific collaboration, advancing an emerging Blue Economy through business innovation, and job creation, and inspiring the next generation, all for a more sustainable, just, and equitable world. 

James Cameron

Explorer and Filmmaker

“The ocean is essential for our planetary health and our long-term survival. That’s why AltaSea’s work is so important. Its vision to combine the talents of science and business sets us on a fresh path for the future.”

Areas of engagement

Regenerative Aquaculture

With a global population expected to reach nine billion by 2050, it is imperative that we develop responsible, sustainable food sources that do not deplete natural resources or damage the environment. Aquaculture, or aquatic farming, is a growing sector poised to generate valuable solutions for the planet and humankind. The Sustainable Aquaculture Cluster at AltaSea will be at the forefront of developing ocean-related solutions to the critical challenges of food security and environmental sustainability. Within this cluster, scientists, entrepreneurs and educators will work together to conduct scientific research, explore emerging technologies, nurture both knowledge and action among the next generation and cultivate the development of commercial sustainable aqua-farms in United States waters.

Renewable Energy

Greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution are having a disastrous effect on our ecosystem. When it comes to production and efficiency, relying on one source of energy is not sustainable. The developing Renewable Energy Cluster will focus on diversifying our energy supply and hoping to reduce our dependence on single, nonrenewable sources. This Cluster will focus on different forms of energies such as kinetic wave energy and algae fuel technologies. As a result of research and commercialization of viable technologies, nations will be able to design energy systems that are long-lasting and have low carbon impact. AltaSea has partnered with experts within these fields so that we can share and disseminate knowledge through our various networks.

Blue Technology

Solutions to global challenges such as energy supply and climate change will be found in the ocean and our need to comprehend it has never been greater. However, experts say only five percent of the ocean has been adequately studied. The Blue Tech Cluster at AltaSea will help advance solutions to a wide range of ocean challenges where experts utilize underwater robotic technology for remote monitoring, sensing and ocean exploration. Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and autonomously operated vehicles (AOVs) will be developed, built, tested and launched at AltaSea. The impact of these technological advances will be extended even further through unique STEM education programs and internships for students, the commercialization of scientific breakthroughs and advisement to policymakers on relevant issue areas.


2451 Signal Street San Pedro CA 90731

Our Hours

9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Monday – Friday


(424) 210-4320 [email protected]