The European Investment Bank is the lending arm of the European Union. As such, the EIB is a key part of the EU family, contributing to EU policy objectives. We strengthen the European Union’s global influence. We expand its visibility and are active in Member States and around the world. We do so by promoting EU values.
The European Investment Bank logo embodies our role as the EU bank. The logo comprises three different elements: A stylised representation of the EIB headquarters building in Luxembourg , the European Union flag and the name of the institution.
The flag highlights the Bank's status as a member of the EU family. The distinctive shape of the Bank's main building represents the uniqueness of our role.
- Vertical version: Main version of the logo of the European Investment Bank.
- Horizontal version: Secondary version of the main logo to be used when space requires and for extended length (such as a long and narrow banner, or backdrop).
- EIB Global: This logo should be used for communication on EIB Global.
To request permission to use the logo, please contact: [email protected]