Multiples of Pythagorean primes A002144 or of primitive Pythagorean triangles' hypotenuses A008846. - Lekraj Beedassy, Nov 12 2003
This is exactly the sequence of positive integers with at least one prime divisor of the form 4k + 1. Compare A072592. - John W. Layman, Mar 12 2008 and Franklin T. Adams-Watters, Apr 26 2009
Circumradius R of the triangles such that the area, the sides and R are integers. - Michel Lagneau, Mar 03 2012
The 2 squares summing to a(n)^2 cannot be equal because sqrt(2) is not rational. - Jean-Christophe Hervé, Nov 10 2013
Closed under multiplication. The primitive elements are those with exactly one prime divisor of the form 4k + 1 with multiplicity one, which are also those for which there exists a unique integer triangle = A084645. - Jean-Christophe Hervé, Nov 11 2013
a(n) are numbers whose square is the mean of two distinct nonzero squares. This creates 1-to-1 mapping between a Pythagorean triple and a "Mean" triple. If the Pythagorean triple is written, abnormally, as {j, k, h} where j^2 +(j+k)^2 = h^2, and h = a(n), then the corresponding "Mean" triple with the same h is {k, 2j, h} where (k^2 + (k+2j)^2)/2 = h^2. For example for h = 5, the Pythagorean triple is {3, 1, 5} and the Mean triple is {1, 6, 5}. - Richard R. Forberg, Mar 01 2015
Integral side lengths of rhombuses with integral diagonals p and q (therefore also with integral areas A because A = pq/2 is some multiple of 24). No such rhombuses are squares. - Rick L. Shepherd, Apr 09 2017
Conjecture: these are bases n in which exists an n-adic integer x satisfying x^5 = x, and 5 is the smallest k>1 such that x^k =x (so x^2, x^3 and x^4 are not x). Example: the 10-adic integer x = ...499879186432 (A120817) satisfies x^5 = x, and x^2, x^3, and x^4 are not x, so 10 is in this sequence. See also A120817, A210850 and A331548. - Patrick A. Thomas, Mar 01 2020
Didactic comment: When students solve a quadratic equation a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0 (a, b, c: integers) with the solution formula, they often make the mistake of calculating b^2 + 4*a*c instead of b^2 - 4*a*c (especially if a or c is negative). If the root then turns out to be an integer, they feel safe. This sequence lists the absolute values of b for which this error can happen. Reasoning: With p^2 = b^2 - 4*a*c and q^2 = b^2 + 4*a*c it follows by addition immediately that p^2 + q^2 = 2*b^2. If 4*a*c < 0, let p = x + y and q = x - y. If 4*a*c > 0, let p = x - y and q = x + y. In both cases follows that y^2 + x^2 = b^2. So every Pythagorean triple gives an absolute value of b for which this error can occur. Example: From (y, x, b) = (3, 4, 5) follows (q^2, b^2, p^2) = (1, 25, 49) or (p^2, b^2, q^2) = (1, 25, 49) with abs(4*a*c) = 24. - Felix Huber, Jul 22 2023
Conjecture: Numbers m such that the limit: Limit_{s->1} zeta(s)*Sum_{k=1..m} [k|m]*A008683(k)*(i^k)/(k^(s - 1)) exists, which is equivalent to numbers m such that abs(Sum_{k=1..m} [k|m]*A008683(k)*(i^k)) = 0. - Mats Granvik, Jul 06 2024
Steven R. Finch, Mathematical Constants, Cambridge, 2003, pp. 98-104.
Or number of ways n^2 can be written as the sum of two positive squares: a(5) = 1: 3^2 + 4^2 = 5^2; a(25) = 2: 7^2 + 24^2 = 15^2 + 20^2 = 25^2. - Alois P. Heinz, Aug 01 2019
A. H. Beiler, Recreations in the Theory of Numbers, New York: Dover, pp. 116-117, 1966.
Numbers whose square is uniquely decomposable into the sum of two nonzero squares: these are those numbers with exactly one prime divisor of the form 4k+1 with multiplicity one. - Jean-Christophe Hervé, Nov 11 2013
The largest member 'c' of the Pythagorean triples (a,b,c) ordered by increasing c.
If c^2 = a^2 + b^2 (a < b < c) then c^2 = (n^2 + m^2)/2 with n = b - a, m = b + a. - Zak Seidov, Mar 03 2011
Numbers n such that A083025(n) > 0, i.e., n is divisible by at least one prime of the form 4k+1. - Max Alekseyev, Oct 24 2008
A number appears only once in the sequence if and only if it is divisible by exactly one prime of the form 4k+1 with multiplicity one (cf. A084645). - Jean-Christophe Hervé, Nov 11 2013
If c^2 = a^2 + b^2 with a and b > 0, then a <> b: the sum of 2 equal squares cannot be a square because sqrt(2) is not rational. - Jean-Christophe Hervé, Nov 11 2013
W. L. Schaaf, Recreational Mathematics, A Guide To The Literature, "The Pythagorean Relationship", Chapter 6 pp. 89-99 NCTM VA 1963.
W. L. Schaaf, A Bibliography of Recreational Mathematics, Vol. 2, "The Pythagorean Relation", Chapter 6 pp. 108-113 NCTM VA 1972.
W. L. Schaaf, A Bibliography of Recreational Mathematics, Vol. 3, "Pythagorean Recreations", Chapter 6 pp. 62-6 NCTM VA 1973.
Numbers whose square is decomposable in 3 different ways into the sum of two nonzero squares: these are those with exactly one prime divisor of the form 4k+1 with multiplicity three. - Jean-Christophe Hervé, Nov 11 2013
Numbers whose square is decomposable in 4 different ways into the sum of two nonzero squares: these are those with exactly 2 distinct prime divisors of the form 4k+1, each with multiplicity one, or with only one prime divisor of this form with multiplicity 4. - Jean-Christophe Hervé, Nov 11 2013
If m is a term, then 2*m and p*m are terms where p is any prime of the form 4k+3. - Ray Chandler, Dec 30 2019
Numbers whose square is decomposable in 5 different ways into the sum of two nonzero squares: these are those with exactly one prime divisor of the form 4k+1 with multiplicity 5. - Jean-Christophe Hervé, Nov 12 2013
Numbers whose square is decomposable in 2 different ways into the sum of two nonzero squares: these are those with exactly one prime divisor of the form 4k+1 with multiplicity two. - Jean-Christophe Hervé, Nov 11 2013