- Spanish to English
)A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object (e.g., I bought a book.).
a. to decide
El tribunal resolvió el asunto de forma unánime.The tribunal decided the matter unanimously.
b. to settle
Los soldados echaron a cara o cruz para resolver la cuestión de quién tomaría la primera guardia.The soldiers tossed a coin to settle the issue of who would take the first watch.
c. to resolve
El condado va a resolver la disputa de propiedad entre los vecinos.The county will resolve the property dispute between the neighbors.
An intransitive verb is one that does not require a direct object (e.g., The man sneezed.).
3. (to decide)
A pronominal verb always uses a reflexive pronoun. (e.g., Te ves cansado.).
Se resolvieron por viajar alrededor del mundo en la luna de miel.They decided to travel around the world on their honeymoon.
b. to make up one's mind
Cuando salió de la cárcel, se resolvió a nunca volver a cometer ningún delito.When he got out of jail, he made up his mind to never commit another crime.
c. to resolve
Se resolvió a hacer ejercicio todos los días por el resto de la vida.He resolved to exercise every day for the rest of his life.
a. to be resolved
El asunto se resolvió sin ningún esfuerzo de mi parte.The matter was resolved without any effort on my part.
b. to get resolved
¿Cómo se resolvió el problema entre Juan y Emilio? - No tengo idea.How did the problem between Juan and Emilio get resolved? - I have no idea.
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yo | |||||
tú | |||||
él/ella/Ud. | |||||
nosotros | |||||
vosotros | |||||
ellos/ellas/Uds. |
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