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Learn about IMDb Content Partnerships

Updated 16-December-2024

How do I make your teams aware of trailer drops and news about upcoming releases?

Trailers, posters, and other assets, along with new title and release date announcements, can be sent to your Editorial and Social contacts at IMDb for awareness. All greenband trailers will be considered for promotion on the IMDb homepage and our social channels. In order for a trailer to be promoted on the homepage, a poster/key art and a still image are required. Homepage promotion is up to the discretion of our Editorial and Social teams; if you're interested in pitching an IMDb exclusive trailer or other exclusive asset for promotion on the homepage or social channels, see details in the next question below.

IMDb Editorial staff do not create new title pages; we have internal resources dedicated to vetting user submissions, including new title submissions. If your title is not yet listed on IMDb, this Help page outlines the steps to submit a new title to the database.

Does IMDb debut exclusive content?

IMDb's Content Partnerships team owns and manages exclusive content opportunities with our industry partners. The team considers trailers, clips, posters, still images, collaborative social posts, press mailers, activations, and giveaways for exclusive opportunities. All exclusive pitches can be sent to [email protected]. If you're interested in pursuing paid partnerships (homepage takeovers, promoted trailers, etc.) or pitching talent availability, we can connect you with the right teams at IMDb.

Trailers and other video

Exclusive trailers and clips are popular with IMDb customers, who love timely video associated with high-interest titles and talent. For each exclusive partnership, the Content Partnership team will determine the best promotion plan across our site and social channels.

Content Partnerships prefer to launch exclusive trailers and clips at 9 a.m. PT with at least a one-hour exclusivity window. Exclusive video is promoted on the IMDb homepage, social channels, and the video tab on IMDb's iOS and Android apps. 16x9 QuickTime 1080p files are the preferred format, as well as 9x16 QuickTime files for the in-app video tab and select social channels.

Featurettes, extended looks, and behind-the-scenes video tend not to perform as well comparatively. Therefore, we rarely pursue these opportunities. Although we will entertain pitches for them from time to time.

Posters and still images

First-look posters, collections of character key art, and first-look stills also resonate with IMDb customers. Similar to video exclusives, image assets should be associated with high-interest titles and talent. The same preferred launch timing applies: 9 a.m. PT with at least a one-hour exclusive window. High-resolution JPEG files are required. For the site, standard-sized vertical posters are required; for social channels, 4x5 portrait size files are preferred.

Does IMDb partake in social-specific studio partnerships?

The IMDb Social team collaborates with studio partners on a variety of content opportunities, including activations, press mailers, and giveaways, in addition to the exclusive content mentioned above.


An activation is any in-person event that a studio partner holds to promote an upcoming title. This could be an advanced screening with a themed after-party, an event simulating the setting of the title, or even a meet-and-greet with cast. IMDb covers activations on our social channels when it is focused on a trending/tentpole title, is tonally appropriate for our social audience, and is in a setting and/or activity that is conducive to capturing photo and video content.

Activation capture is typically shared on our Instagram story. We will collaborate with the studio partner on necessary tags, handles, etc. to include in coverage. Please see an example of in-person press activation coverage on IMDb's Instagram story.

Press mailers

A press mailer is any package or in-person promotion sent to IMDb staff used to promote an upcoming title. This could include a box full of items themed around the title, food branded with the title's name/characters, or an in-person visit from the title's character(s) or promotion team. Mailers are likely to be shared if they highlight a trending/priority title that our audience is interested in and/or if the mailer contents are too cool not to share.

Mailer capture is typically shared on our Instagram story. We will collaborate with the studio partner on necessary tags, handles, etc. to include in coverage. Please see an example of press mailer coverage on IMDb's Instagram story.


A giveaway is a collaboration with a studio where IMDb holds a sweepstakes for items related to a specific title. IMDb will post a prompt for fans to enter the giveaway, usually by commenting or sharing the post and following IMDb on that specific social channel. Each giveaway prompt includes a link to Amazon T&Cs as the sweepstakes rules. When the giveaway entrance window has closed, we will select winners and send their info (name + mailing address) to the studio for fulfillment of the winnings.

Giveaways are typically hosted on X (formerly Twitter). We will collaborate with the studio partner on necessary tags, item info, etc. to include. Please see an example of a giveaway on X (formerly Twitter).

How do I flag an error on an IMDb name or title page?

IMDb is built by user-submitted data. Our Help guide will help you get started with adding or correcting information on IMDb name and title pages.

If you have additional questions about a submission or site policies about submissions, please post in our community forums for expert help and advice. Additionally, you can submit a Help request to our Customer Service team at

How do I add a headshot for our talent and/or executives to IMDb name pages?

You can upload headshots for your talent and executives with an IMDbPro Premium subscription. Subscription information and details on how to upload headshots can be found in our Help guide, including how to set a headshot as the primary image on an IMDb name page. IMDb Staff members are unable to upload new or replace existing headshots on behalf of third parties, including studio contacts.

How do I get a newly added poster or trailer swapped on a title page?

If you're seeing your newly uploaded poster or trailer on IMDb but not set as the primary image or video on a name or title page, contact [email protected].

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