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RSAC: 4 Things You Need To Hear About the NSA

Curious to hear what people who've worked in U.S. intelligence think of the NSA? Here's your chance.

By Max Eddy

RSAC: Hey, People, Patch Your Programs!

Secunia's Personal Software Inspector automates patching all your programs. The company's latest report reveals that 2013 saw a bumper crop of new vulnerabilities.

By Neil J. Rubenking
Vulnerabilities in popular browsers

RSAC: What Will Security Look Like in 2020?

The Internet of Things, with every device connected, is a huge topic at the RSA Conference. Trend Micro offers a look at just what we might experience in the year 2020.

By Neil J. Rubenking
Trend Micro 2020

The RSAC Notebook: Tuesday

A roundup of conversations and thoughts during the first day of the RSA Conference in San Francisco.

By Fahmida Y. Rashid
Reporter Notebook

The RSAC Notebook: Monday

While there are plenty of cool sessions and demonstrations to check out, some of the best gems for the RSA Conference come from outside the conference. Here is a quick snapshot of what my notebook looked like at the end of the day on Monday, Feb. 24.

By Fahmida Y. Rashid
Reporter Notebook

RSA: You're Not Nearly Angry Enough About Security, Otherwise You'd Fight Back

RSA: You're Not Nearly Angry Enough About Security, Otherwise You'd Fight Back

By Max Eddy
Via Wikimedia

RSAC: Shortage of Trained IT Security Experts "A National Security Crisis"

Companies are under attack by the entire malware ecosystem, but there's a huge gap in their defenses. Over 40 percent of IT security jobs go unfilled. HP aims to close the gap.

By Neil J. Rubenking
Castle Defense

RSAC: The Connected Car, Connected to Trouble?

Modern high-tech cars sync with your phone, play your music, and connect to the Internet. But how secure are these rolling data centers?

By Neil J. Rubenking
Connected Car

RSAC: To Solve Cyber-Crime, Put the Crooks in Jail

You interact with Neustar every day, but their work is totally in the background. Having access to tons of data gives Neustar's researchers unusual insights into where security is going.

By Neil J. Rubenking
Girl in Jail

RSAC: Consumers' Lax Security at Home Affects Businesses

A survey shows that consumers do understand that their laptops and mobile devices contain important personal data, but don't necessarily understand how to protect that data.

By Neil J. Rubenking
WinMagic Stats

RSAC: Sci-Fi Security Is Reality

Is it science-fiction or reality? In the security industry, the line between the two is increasing blurring.

By Fahmida Y. Rashid
Via Wikimedia user David Revoy

Books Every InfoSec Professional Should Read

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of books about security, whether we are talking about hackers, cyber-crime, or technology protocols. How is a busy information security professional to know which ones to read?

By Fahmida Y. Rashid
InfoSec Canon

RSAC: Can Windows Updates Protect Against Malware?

Empirical tests by Dennis Technology Labs reveal that keeping Windows fully patched is sufficient to defeat a significant number of malware attacks. Keep your antivirus running, of course, but do turn on automatic updates.

By Neil J. Rubenking
Dennis Technology Labs Scores

RSAC: Your Bank May Be Secure, But Its Third-Party Vendors Aren't

Online institutions use various third-party providers, each of which is potentially an entry point for crooks. A study by Lookingglass turned up evidence of security problems in 100 percent of third-party providers.

By Neil J. Rubenking
Bank Vault Door

SecurityWatch is Headed to San Francisco for RSAC 2014!

SecurityWatch is hitting the road to bring you the latest from the RSA Conference in San Francisco!

By Max Eddy & Fahmida Y. Rashid
Image via Wikimedia

Android's Biggest Security Threat: OS Fragmentation

Unless you bought the phone or tablet recently, odds are high that your Android device is running an outdated version of the operating system, exposing you to serious security risks.

By Fahmida Y. Rashid
Nexus 4

Going After Affiliate Networks, Malware's Achilles' Heel

At the RSA conference, there was a lot of talk about affiliate networks—that is, the people and companies who knowingly or unknowling help spread malware, build botnets, and make nefarious activities possible and profitable for the individuals operating these endeavors. While these affiliates have helped make malware more dangerous, they could also be the key to shutting down the bad guys.

By Max Eddy
via Wikipedia user Dr.K

RSA: Is Software Security A Waste of Time?

Adobe and SilverSky discuss whether companies should invest in secure software development projects or just fix the bugs only when they are told to.

By Fahmida Y. Rashid
How to Spy on People

Another Java Zero-Day Found, Dump That Browser Plugin

Researchers have uncovered yet another zero-day vulnerability in Java, and attackers are currently exploiting it in the wild.

By Fahmida Y. Rashid
Java Logo

RSA: AhnLab to Improve Malware Detection

A bad review can be great for a company, if they take it as constructive criticism. I panned AhnLab's V3 Click for poor detection, and they're responding with a new and improved version.

By Neil J. Rubenking
AhnLab RSA 275