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How Many Electronic Toy Robots Did You Have in the 80s?

The 1980s was a fruitful time for robotic buddies and the toys that imitated them. It's no wonder the decade saw so many electronic toy robots hit the market.

November 13, 2018
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12 Electronic Toy Robots of the 1980s

The 1980s witnessed a rare explosion in American robot mania. It led to the creation of personal home robots, such as the HERO, and a cavalcade of toy robots that were both functional and fanciful. You can thank George Lucas for that.

The wild popularity of sentient Star Wars droids like R2-D2 and C-3PO, when combined with the personal computer revolution, made the 1980s a fruitful time for robotic buddies and the toys that imitated them. People wanted to make real R2-D2s for themselves, and boy did they try.

By the end of the decade, Star Wars fever had died down and most people realized that sentient robot servants were nowhere near possible with the technology of the time. Those factors led to much furrier robots in the 1990s that pretended to be household pets or mogwai...but we'll save that story for another time.

Below, we'll take a look at 12 electronic robot toys—miniature cousins of the bigger home robots—that didn't just sit there looking pretty like a Transformer (ok, some of them sat there), but actually did stuff in an electronic, robotic way. When you're done reading, I'd love to hear about your favorite vintage robots in the comments.

(This story was originally published on July 9, 2011)

Nintendo R.O.B.

Nintendo R.O.B.
The Nintendo R.O.B. (Robotic Operating Buddy) shipped with the Nintendo Entertainment System Deluxe Set between 1985 and 1987. Nintendo, still trying to establish itself in the US, primarily included the robot as a way to further differentiate its console from game systems that had precipitated a major market crash only a few years before. Shortly after sales of the NES took off, Nintendo dropped R.O.B. like the dead weight it was from its NES set, making the unit fairly rare today.

(Photo: Nintendo)

Radio Shack Armatron

Radio Shack Armatron
Kids of the 1980s delighted in controlling the Armatron, using two fluid joysticks mounted at the unit's base. Amazingly, this inexpensive robot arm operated via a single electric motor connected to a complex gearing system that allowed users to pick up, move, rotate, and drop small objects. However, kids quickly learned that the robotic claw was not quite strong enough to crush their little brother's fingers (nice try, Jeremy).

(Photo: Radio Shack)

Ideal Maxx Steele

Ideal Maxx Steele
Retailing for $349.99 in 1984 (that's around $800 in today's dollars), Maxx Steele is clearly the least toy-like robot in this story. In fact, Steele was a fully programmable robot that just happened to be tied into a children's toy line. That line, called Robo Force, featured smaller, non-electronic robots with suction cups for feet.

(Photos: Montgomery Ward, Ideal)

Playtime SkateBot

Playtime SkateBot
What could be more "1980s" than a tiny robot on a skateboard? Nothing, I tell you. The battery-powered SkateBot operated on a "bump-and-go" system, where the robot would move forward until it bumped an object and then changed direction. An adjustable sliding weight near the rear of the bot allowed for radical wheelie or spin-out action, if desired.

(Photo: Playtime)

Playskool Alphie

Playskool Alphie
Alphie the Electronic Robot worked in conjunction with a series of laminated paper inserts and board game-like paraphernalia to educate children via the oft-used trifecta of (1) bleepy children's songs, (2) simple trivia, and (3) matching games. Despite having plastic feet, Alphie could not move under his own power. He did, however, possess a large red button on the top of his head (some good that will do him in the Robot Wars).

(Photo: Playskool)

Milton-Bradley Big Trak

Milton-Bradley Big Trak
The Big Trak, a computer-controlled, electronic tank allowed kids to program the vehicle to perform certain movements (forward, backward, turn, and "fire") in a sequence. As the user typed commands on the keypad at the rear of the unit, the robot tank emitted a memorable array of synthesized beeps and bloops that, when heard today, will no doubt bring back memories to those who owned the toy.

(Photo: Milton-Bradley)

Tomy Dustbot

Tomy Dustbot
Tomy released a wide array of cute robot toys throughout the 1980s, most of which were built around a single, character-defining function. In this case, the Dustbot—the first robot with a built-in vacuum cleaner—was born to keep house. As he sucks up dust and dirt (really), his tiny arms "sweep" with a toy broom and dustpan. Decades before the Roomba, this autonomous bot even featured sensors to prevent it from falling off a table.

(Photo: Gizmodo)

Tomy Verbot

Tomy Verbot
As we just learned, Tomy released a multi-talented line of robots in the 1980s. The Verbot specialized in responding to speech. Users could program him to perform eight commands in response to custom voice cues: stop, smile, arms up, arms down, forward, backward, turn left, and turn right. Thankfully, "Go berserk and kill your master" is nowhere on that list.

(Photo: sdmad33)

Radio Shack Z-707 Battle Iron Claw

Radio Shack Z-707 Battle Iron Claw
Many 1980s toy robots, in lieu of the intelligence afforded by an onboard computer, were simply remote control devices. Likewise, the Z-707 allowed kids to steer its tank-like body over rough terrain and operate (up/down, open/close) its large claw with a wireless remote controller. Radio Shack topped off the whole silvery package with a creepy robot "head" that users could manually pivot to the side.

(Photo: Radio Shack)

Tomy Chatbot

Tomy Chatbot
The Tomy Chatbot may have been the ultimate platform for vicarious, vulgar jokes. One simply recorded a message on the Chatbot's built-in cassette tape recorder, then steered the bot remotely into another room. Once the robot reached its destination, the prankster could remotely replay the recorded message with a push of a button. The sound of cracking, breaking plastic from the other room would signify that the message had been successfully received. They sold more Chatbots that way.

(Photo: Tomy)

Playtime Steve The Butler

Playtime Steve The Butler
Like many robot toys, Steve the Butler looked much cooler than he actually was. He worked mostly like a radio-controlled car with a robot body; one could not remotely operate his arms, and his spring-loaded hands only held what you physically placed in them (like the included tray). Still, it was exciting to think you could have your own robot servant—even if you actually had to do most of the work yourself.

(Photo: Playtime)

Playskool Alphie II

Playskool Alphie II
Like Alphie I before him, the stark white, very immobile Alphie II worked his educational magic in conjunction with an array of paper inserts and plastic trinkets to teach basic 1-2-3, A-B-C concepts to pre-school kids. There were, however, many more buttons involved this time. You know what they say, "The more the buttons, the more the learning" (or at least, they say that when it's mistranslated from Japanese.)

(Photo: Playskool)

7 Robots Every Geeky 80s Kid Wanted

7 Robots Every Geeky 80s Kid Wanted
Don't forget these guys. If you grew up in the 1980s, you wanted one of these as a kid.

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