As the 3D printer market for consumers matures, we have seen brands, arrayed from high end to low, distinguish themselves as leaders in their niches: Prusa, AnyCubic, Creality. Some of their 3D printers are still novelty or hobby items, and fine for what they are, but others are meant for more serious use such as prototyping, light custom manufacturing, and STEM instruction. At that upper end, it’s unusual these days for a completely new printer player to sock an extra-base hit in their first at-bat. Enter the AnkerMake M5, a new fused filament fabrication (FFF) entry. It was first introduced on Kickstarter and is now shipping to backers and other purchasers. It's a very strong first effort that heralds a new printer competitor, and which will have special appeal to online hobbyists, influencers, and social-media sharers, who might want to document and present—with ease—how their creative prints were birthed.
On the AnkerMake: Easy to Assemble
AnkerMake is a new division of Anker Innovations, whose Anker power products are well known and regarded. (It's also the company behind Soundcore, Eufy, AnkerWork, and Nebula.) The AnkerMake M5 is a gantry-style 3D printer, with a direct extruder built into the hot end that moves vertically, rising and lowering driven by dual Z-axis screws on the left and right side of the tower. It also moves left to right on the X-axis.
The print bed also moves, back and forth on the Y-axis. It's a heated bed design, which lets you use a wide variety of filament types, including the popular PLI, PETG, TPU, and ABS, as well as filled filaments (such as carbon fiber and wood) that require a high-temperature-capable hot end. (See our primer about filament types.)
The large (9.25-by-9.2-inch) print bed features a removable magnetic plate surfaced in polyetherimide (PEI), making it easy to remove stubborn prints by taking the plate off the build bed and flexing it. During my testing, I never encountered an object that proved difficult to remove.
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The printer, once assembled, is rather large, and at a bit over 27 pounds, somewhat heavy, so plan on finding a suitable space for it and leaving it there. You'll note a module on both sides of the vertical gantry. The one on the left is where the filament feeds through, and a sensor there registers a "filament out" situation. A vertical LED glows a pulsing green during printing and turns red when an error is detected.
Assembling the printer is easy enough; I was done in less than 15 minutes. The main steps comprise fastening the gantry to the base with the included screws, and connecting cables routed through the bottom of the base and fastened with additional screws. The documentation suggests using one of the packaging-foam pieces to support the gantry while assembling the printer, which worked very well. Once the gantry and all of the cables are fastened, the last piece of assembly is fastening the filament holder on the left post of the gantry. The holder can be fastened horizontally, or you can fasten it vertically at the top of the gantry to save space.
The small toolkit AnkerMake includes is a very nice plus. Other than a few printer vendors that include a small tool drawer in the base of their printers, most 3D printers come with a plastic bag containing just a few key tools, such as an Allen wrench set and possibly a nozzle-cleaning tool. Anker goes all the way with its kit. The kit comes in a small plastic box and contains an Allen key bit holder, six hex bits, a double-headed open wrench, a side cutter (to snip filament), nozzle-cleaning tools, and a spare nozzle. It’s nice to have all of these at hand when assembling and using the M5.
After I finished assembling the M5, my next step was to level the printer. This sets the Z-axis offset, which is the distance from the extruder nozzle from the print bed and between each layer. The leveling is automatic; you start it from the 4.3-inch color touch panel on the right gantry. This process takes about 10 minutes because it senses the level at 49 points (a 7x7 matrix) on the print bed and, if necessary, remembers the necessary offset at each point. This feature is becoming a common one in 3D FFF printers, a welcome change from having to level the extruder manually point-by-point, though most FFF printers do not level at 49 points. After the auto-leveling finished, I was ready to print.
Testing the AnkerMake M5: The Proof Is in the Printing
Relaying features and specifications about a 3D printer is a start, but not more useful than telling you what the printing experience and printed-object output is like. For starters: Creating a printable file is easy. Anker provides a proprietary slicer but claims compatibility with Simplify3D and PrusaSlicer 2. All of my testing was conducted with AnkerMake’s own slicer.
If you’ve ever used a slicer, you’ll be comfortable using Anker’s. All of the necessary adjustments are available. In my testing, I used the out-of-the-box default settings, and for the most part was very happy with the results. The Anker slicer can use STL or OBJ files to generate Gcode, which is what the printer actually requires to print the model.
Printing the sliced model requires that you download it to the M5 through Wi-Fi, or load it onto a flash drive. The M5 has a USB Type-C port atop the extruder, which I used for my testing. I used a dual USB-A/USB-C flash drive, but adapters to use a USB-A drive with a USB-C port cost just a few dollars.
Wi-Fi is required if you want to monitor the printing in real-time, receive error reports from the device’s AI monitor, or create time-lapse recording of printing an object. To do any of these, you’ll require the smartphone AnkerMake app, which is available for both iOS and Android. Setting up the M5 on Wi-Fi also allows you to send the sliced model directly to the printer from the slicer by hitting the “PRINT” button rather than exporting it to a flash drive.
I would have liked more documentation around all this, though. That’s not to say that the small manual that accompanies the M5 is badly done, just that it pretty much ends where the machine is assembled. Anker should provide additional documentation on the slicer, and around troubleshooting.
I printed numerous objects, three of which can be used to test how well the printer’s parameters are dialed in. All slicers allow you to change different print parameters such as infill (the amount of printing material used in hollow objects). Higher infills result in a more solid object. Another often-adjusted setting is retraction, or how much the filament is pulled back into the printhead when the nozzle is lifted and moving from one place to another.
All of my testing was performed using the default settings on the slicer. (In practical use, if the print quality was not satisfactory, you would normally dial in slicer settings to fine-tune the output quality.) The three objects I tested with are a geometry panel, a small 3D Benchy boat, and a multiple test developed by Kickstarter and Autodesk. Only two of the three (3D Benchy and Kickstarter-Autodesk) have scoring rubrics to help determine how closely the print adheres to the actual model file. All three of these are available for download on the Thingiverse web site, though the scoring and measuring descriptions are located on different sites. The geometry test object does not have a formal scoring or measuring description.
One thing that immediately stood out is just how fast the M5 prints. Its speed is given as a range between 50 and 250 millimeters per second (mm/sec). The default is 250mm/sec, though this can be controlled by a setting in the slicer. The slower speed is supposed to provide a smoother print, but while this may be true on very complex objects, printing several of the test objects at both extremes of the speed range did not produce a noticeable quality difference that I could detect.
What slowing down the print speed did do is greatly extend the length of time it took to print the object. For example, printing the Kickstarter-Autodesk test at 50mm/s took more than 10 hours, while at the maximum speed of 250mm/s (the default setting), the print finished in just under 3 hours. A really nice feature of the M5 is that it shows the estimated overall print time on the large color display at the start of the print, counting down from that time until the finish. You don’t have to be in the same room to get a notification of how much longer it will take to print, as you can easily see this in the AnkerMake App, which is available in both iOS and Android, in the respective app stores.
Something that puzzled me was an occasional error message that would pop up on the app on my iPhone when a model was printing. There was no explanation for this message, and I didn’t see anything obviously wrong with the prints, all of which completed printing. Anker has built an AI function into the M5 with a camera that constantly watches and analyzes the print as it is generated. This camera can also provide a remote look at the build platform as printing progresses, viewable from the app on a smartphone or tablet. It also can produce a time-lapse video of the entire print process, which is a really nice feature for highly online users or influencer-hobbyists who may want to share the "story behind the print."
A Look at the AnkerMake M5 Objects: Excellent Output
In my testing, I found the output from the M5 to be of excellent quality. With all of the objects, I found an occasional layer shift, but this is very common in FFF printers, and it didn’t noticeably affect the overall smoothness and quality of the print. All of my testing was conducted with ESUN PLA+ filament in Cool White, as this was specified for the Kickstarter-Autodesk test so that the resulting print could be compared to the “perfect” print by making measurements and conducting observations to the components specified by the test rubric. None of the other two test objects specified a specific filament type, so the ESUN filament was used to print all of the test objects produced for my review.
The geometry test print consists of a number of geometric and typographic forms that decrease in size going horizontally from left to right. There is no formal measurement rubric for this object that I could find, but other than two very small anomalies, the print is of excellent quality. The first of the blips is a very small bump at the top of the “t” on the second to the right “Test” word at the top of the print. It isn’t visible, but I could feel it running a finger lightly over the line of text. Additionally, in the line of hemispheres, some slight layering is visible in the two rightmost half-spheres. These layers are not visible on any of the other test figures.
The 3D Benchy does have a rubric, which consists of formal measurements in a number of the object’s components, such as bridge-roof length. These needed to be measured with a micrometer. The rubric is found here, and an example is the horizontal overall length, which is supposed to be exactly 60.00 mm, and which averaged 62.03 mm on the several iterations of the test object I printed. Several of the other specified measurements were a bit closer to those specified on the rubric. These included horizontal overall width, which the rubric specified as 31.00 mm and the test prints averaged 30.72 mm, and vertical overall height, specified at 48.00 mm and averaged at 47.99 on three iterations of the 3D Benchy prints I produced in testing. These all were very close to the specification in the published rubric, and very satisfactory when compared with the print parameters published for the object.
Overall, the compete rubric measures bridge roof length, chimney roundness, horizontal overall length, horizontal overall width, vertical overall height, cargo box size, hawse-pipe diameter (the small hole near the front of the boat), the front window size on the bridge, the rear window size on the bridge, and several measurements of angles including the bow overhang and bridge roof inclination. All of these were so close to the specified measurements in the rubric that the quality was just a tiny bit less than perfect, and there were no artifacts or layers visible in the three test prints I produced.
The third test object, which was developed by Kickstarter in partnership with Autodesk, has a slightly less formal rubric, found here. This contains a number of observations and measurements, each with a scoring outline. In total, the “perfect” reproduction would add up to 30, and my three test prints averaged 27, which, again, is excellent. The only place where the test objects didn’t measure a perfect score was in some light stringing on one of the spires, as well as just underneath the platform from which the spires rise.
On this test object, the rubric looks at dimensional accuracy, fine flow control, fine negative features, overhangs, XY resonance, and Z-axis alignment. The only tests that didn’t score perfectly were the overhang measurement and the fine negative features, which prints five rods in corresponding sockets. For a perfect score, you should be able to easily remove the rod from the socket. I was able to do this with all but the largest rod, which was stuck in the socket and lost a point in the overall score. A difference in the overhang part of the test object cost another two points.
Last up, our owl test object, which didn’t have a scoring rubric, also showed a small amount of stringing. Stringing is often caused by an incorrect retraction setting. While I used the default slicer settings, increasing the retraction distance and speed settings in the slicer will often cure the problem.
Verdict: A Close-to-Perfect First Effort
Given that Anker is a first-time entrant in the 3D-printer stakes, and that we got an early production unit in hand, we expected to encounter more problems than the mild inaccuracies we observed with the M5. The AnkerMake M5 is not cheap, at almost $800, but it’s a solid machine that delivers excellent print accuracy and is very easy to set up and use.
Call it one of the most pleasant surprises of the new year. Aside from the mysterious app error messages, a tiny bit of stringing on a few test objects, and the so-so documentation, we found little to find fault with in the AnkerMake M5. The M5 is a solid printer for the money and an impressive debut.
Anker's debut 3D printer, the speedy AnkerMake M5, produces very high-quality prints and can even produce nifty time-lapse videos of a build with its built-in camera. Serious users will slaver over its capabilities, even at its $799 price.
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