• 11 hours ago
Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen speaks with the media after signing his new six-year contract with the team this past Sunday. (Courtesy of the Buffalo Bills)
11:16Afternoon, Josh. Can you hear me okay?
11:19That's great.
11:20Awesome. If you're ready, we'll go ahead and get started with questions. Matt Beauvais will have our first question.
11:31There we go.
11:32There we go.
11:33How's it going, Matt?
11:34Good. How are you? Congratulations.
11:36Oh, thank you. Appreciate it.
11:37So how did this all come into fruition? I know that this was not like earth shatteringly developing news, but still, obviously, when did this kind of all start to pick up steam?
11:46Yeah, I mean, I think being in the front office wanted to get something done as well as my agents.
11:55I know I was kind of sitting there just like I understood the impact of getting an extension done, creating some cap space.
12:03And, you know, it's kind of a weird situation where it's like, you know, I've had a big contract before, and it doesn't really change how I live in my life.
12:14But I know that, again, this opens up some space for cap and signing some free agents.
12:19I think we've been having a pretty good free agent run so far.
12:24The other one for me, just real quick, you've said before, you know, you love Buffalo and you want to spend your career in Buffalo.
12:30Why? Like, is there a moment that you can think back to of like why this felt like such a perfect fit, whether that was really early, whether that was before the process even started?
12:40Was there ever like an aha moment of like, man, like this really does feel like where I belong?
12:45It was on my visit, my official visit when I was over there.
12:48Got snowed in so I couldn't leave.
12:50I was visiting the Jets and the Giants that next day, but I didn't get out in time.
12:55And then I went to Barbville with a couple scouts, I think Chris Merrow.
13:00I can't remember who else was with us, but when I was just sitting there, I was just like, it just felt like home to me.
13:07It's kind of the only thing that I've ever known of, you know, small town feel where the people are great and the food is just as great.
13:16So those are two big factors for me and not having a huge city of traffic and this and that.
13:23It's something I kind of feared, but I just think it's home for me.
13:27Awesome, thanks, Josh.
13:39Hey, Josh, Alex Braske with TV Daily News.
13:41Congratulations on your new deal.
13:44You are very welcome.
13:46What would an eight year old you think about signing this deal?
13:49MVP, historic deal, one of the faces of the league.
13:52Is this beyond your wildest dreams?
13:54Kind of what you've experienced these past five, six, however many years?
13:58For sure.
13:59I think it's pretty crazy to think about.
14:01It's a pretty surreal feeling.
14:05Eight year old me would obviously be just as pumped as 28 year old me.
14:10You know, I think it's the only thing I've ever wanted to do in my life is play football.
14:14And now I just get to continue to do it.
14:19And that's the main thing is going out there and playing the best football that I can.
14:24And in no way does this mean I need to stop working hard or stop getting better.
14:29It almost promotes more of that for me of going out there and making sure that I'm still
14:34earning my keep and getting better as the years come by.
14:39And that's all I'm trying to do is progress each year.
14:42A lot of the great quarterbacks in league history have started and finished their careers
14:47with one team.
14:48Not saying that that needs to be something included in greatness.
14:53But how much does that mean to you to start your career in Buffalo and potentially finish
14:58it in Buffalo?
14:59Obviously, this deal sets you up to potentially do that in the future.
15:03Yeah, I mean, I think I've still got a long way to go until we think about the end.
15:08I'm just focused on the here and now.
15:10And that's being the best quarterback that I could be for the 2025 season.
15:15Again, trying to turn over each leaf and stone of trying to get better and continuing to
15:21improve and be a better leader, be a better player.
15:25This just allows me more opportunity to do that.
15:28Got anything earmarked?
15:30Maybe a bigger ring perhaps with the wedding coming up?
15:33A bigger ring, you said?
15:36No, I think she likes the one she's got.
15:40Good luck.
15:44Hey, Josh.
15:45John Worrell, Associated Press.
15:47How's it going, Worrell?
15:48Good, good.
15:51How do you put into words or put into perspective all that's happened to you over the past,
15:55say, eight months?
15:57The growth in leadership, the MVP, the engagement, and now this.
16:05How do you put all that in perspective, what's happened?
16:09You know, it's not really do I sit there and think about it.
16:13But really, anybody that I run into, friend or not friend, you know, it's always a congrats,
16:21like having a heck of a year.
16:23And, you know, when you kind of look back at it, you know, the only thing that is missing
16:28is finishing our season with a win.
16:31So that's something we still got to continue to do.
16:33But I'm so grateful for what's going on in my life and finding the person that I want
16:38to share it with.
16:40And, you know, when you have that piece figured out, it seems like everything else kind of
16:44comes a little bit easier.
16:45And that's, you know, I've said it over and over again of how much I love and appreciate
16:51my fiance and how much she's helped me.
16:53And again, I think it's no different than what's going to continue to happen.
16:59Not to say that you weren't driven to win a Super Bowl.
17:02How much does this further drive you, knowing that you took some salary cap relief?
17:07You may have taken a little bit less, but how much does this further drive you to win
17:12that ultimate title?
17:14I mean, it makes it even that much more like I alluded to earlier.
17:18This doesn't mean I've arrived.
17:21You know, I got to continue to get better and find ways to help this team get over that
17:26hump and win a Super Bowl.
17:27So that's what we're going to continue to try to do.
17:30And lastly, just as a joke, can we finally close the book on you being overrated?
17:37We'll see.
17:44Hey, Josh, Sal Capaccio here.
17:45How are you?
17:46I'm good, Sal.
17:47How are you doing?
17:48I'm doing great.
17:49I'm doing great.
17:50I know you say that doesn't mean you've arrived, but you did just win the National Football
17:52League's MVP award.
17:53So congratulations.
17:54This is our first time talking to you since then.
17:57Has it set in yet?
17:59What has been the experience like, obviously hoisting the league's most prestigious individual
18:07Yeah, I mean, I think it's maybe still hasn't set in for me.
18:10You know, that's really not the reason that I play this game is to win individual awards.
18:17I think it's very cool to be recognized for your talent and your play.
18:23So that's one cool thing about it.
18:26But again, kind of like what I said earlier about this contract, winning an MVP doesn't
18:31change who I am.
18:32It doesn't change how I play the game of football.
18:34It doesn't change how I lead or respect my teammates.
18:38So I just continue to try to do the right things on and off the field.
18:42And sometimes those individual athletes, they come with that.
18:46And I know how much this community means to you.
18:49I'd like to ask you about, you know, your attachment to OSHI and being able to still
18:53know that that's going to continue on for a long time.
18:56And that part of your life and that part of signing a contract and what it means to you.
19:01And I know and looking forward to the 117 holes of golf.
19:03And I know I'm a part of that with you and your team out there.
19:06And I appreciate that.
19:07That's an honor for me, but I know how much it means to you.
19:09And can you just kind of put that into words after this contract?
19:12Yeah, I mean, I think OSHI, there's gonna be some cool stuff that we'll be able to do
19:16and continue to raise money for a fund that's been so near and dear to my heart.
19:21And, you know, I feel like every day I'm on the phone with my agent of finding new
19:26ways of things that we can do to help raise money.
19:29And, you know, this is this contract will also help with that, too.
19:34Well, that's awesome.
19:35Congratulations again.
19:36Thank you, Sam.
19:39Hey, Josh, Dan Fates, congrats, man.
19:41Oh, thank you, Dan.
19:42Appreciate you.
19:43Kind of going off Waro's question.
19:45Have the last year engagement MVP just felt crazy to you?
19:50Like, have you had a second to take a breath?
19:55I don't know if crazy is the word.
19:57I just think I'm I'm blessed, you know.
20:04Sometimes it is a little breathtaking or can't find the right words how to describe it.
20:09It's it's been a heck of a heck of a run.
20:14But again, I think the joy that I have of playing football is the number one thing that
20:19fuels this going out there and just putting everything that's not on the field, on the
20:26And then after that, I get to enjoy a pretty, pretty great life with a great family, a great
20:33great to be future wife.
20:35And I just I'm.
20:39Blessed beyond belief, and it's that part is probably the craziest is just, you know,
20:45the support and love that I have from my family and that I've always had.
20:48You know, none of that has ever changed or wavered.
20:50And, you know, pretty lucky guy on that journey, too.
20:54I know you talk about perspective, but can you think back like I was talking to Trel
20:59Bernard about his first start and how it was so fast in the whirlwind that it was to you
21:05even going back to being the zero star recruit and all those things?
21:08Have you had time to process any of that?
21:11Or is it I know you're so in the moment, but just kind of the big picture of your football
21:17I mean, yeah, just to understand where I was not not too long ago.
21:22I know I feel like every year we get removed.
21:24It feels like an eternity ago.
21:26But I still remember being the guy sitting on the sidelines in junior college, just waiting
21:31for a chance to get on the field.
21:34But at the same time, not too often do I sit there and think about it.
21:37I'm not a very nostalgic person.
21:39So, like you said, I focus more so what's going on right now, trying to be where my
21:44feet are and take it just one day at a time.
21:47Thanks, Josh.
21:48Congrats again.
21:50Hey, Josh.
21:51Matt Perino here.
21:52Congrats, man.
21:53Thank you, Matt.
21:54You know, one of the things when these kinds of things happen, you kind of take stock in
21:58the reaction from everybody and seeing how many of your former teammates posted on social
22:03media, commented on posts.
22:05Does that hit you a little bit differently?
22:07Because it's one thing to be this celebrated athlete.
22:10But another thing that the people that you spent all the time with over the last eight
22:13years seem to have this support for you, even guys going back to your rookie sophomore year.
22:18Yeah, I think, you know, the bonds and the relationships that I've been able to develop
22:23over the last eight years that I've been playing or seven years I've been playing.
22:28Am I going into year eight or is this my year?
22:30I think you're going into year eight.
22:32Year eight.
22:33Going into year eight.
22:35So the relationships that I've been able to build, some that I'll cherish for the rest
22:39of my life, some guys that'll be by my side and I will be by theirs for forever as long
22:46as I as long as we're both living.
22:49So, yeah, I mean, I think it's pretty cool when you have guys that you love and you respect
22:54and appreciate go out of their way to make it known that they they're in favor of it.
23:00That makes you feel like what you're doing is doing it the right way.
23:04And I got a lot of those guys in my life that I look up to that that have been kind
23:09of taking me under their wing.
23:12So, yeah, it's pretty cool.
23:14And then I know you can't predict the future, but when you look down the line, five, 10,
23:1815 years, however long you want to play, do you envision or hope that you finish your
23:23career in Buffalo?
23:24Is that something that you think that would be pretty cool?
23:27Do you ever think about that?
23:29I try not to think about the end.
23:32I feel like it's still a long ways away, but absolutely, I don't want to play anywhere
23:38You know, not too often do players get to stay with one team their entire career.
23:44But, you know, I think this is like that first question I got asked, this is home to me and
23:50it'll never not be home.
23:52And, yeah, I'd love to continue to play here as long as as I can.
23:57And when it's time to put the cleats up, hopefully there'll be a Buffalo.
24:01Thanks, Josh.
24:02Enjoy the offseason.
24:06Hey, Josh, it's Jay with the Buffalo News.
24:08Congratulations as well.
24:09Where are you doing this from right now?
24:11I am down in Southern California right now.
24:15You had four years left on your deal.
24:17You know, from the team's perspective, there probably wasn't a great deal of urgency in
24:21the sense that they could have maybe waited a little bit.
24:24What does it mean to you that they were so proactive in wanting to get this done as soon
24:29as they did?
24:30Yeah, I think if you look at the three other extensions that we've gotten done to of guys
24:35that are homegrown, if you will, wanting to reward their guys for playing good football,
24:43you know, and I've got a got a great relationship with our front office and Coach McDermott.
24:48I mean, can't thank the Pagoulas enough for one, drafting me and allow me to be the quarterback
24:54here, but two, going out of their way, because like you said, they probably didn't have to
24:59do it now.
25:00They could have waited.
25:01But I do appreciate the fact that they were willing to do this.
25:06And it wasn't like we were going out of our way to get something done.
25:11But I'm glad we found something that we could both kind of hang our hats on and put it put
25:17it to the side now for another four years.
25:20Conversely, on the other hand, it does seem like maybe you took a bit less here than you
25:26could have gotten with the idea that maybe that, you know, the cap is going up every
25:31year, that that would provide the team some flexibility to build around you.
25:35How much of a thought was that in your mind in this negotiation?
25:40Um, you know, it didn't seem like to my perspective, I was taking a whole lot less.
25:47But when the only the way that I make sense of it, when when you start getting these fairly
25:53big numbers throughout the entire league, you know, it's weird to say this, but what's
26:00what's five more going to do for my life that I can't already do right now?
26:05So like, it's not that crazy to me.
26:09Like, I live a pretty good life.
26:11Got a house, got a car.
26:13We're good.
26:15But I wasn't looking to absolutely kill them in every every chance that I could.
26:21And I told my agent that I was like, hey, if this this has any impact on the pack or
26:27impact on the cap, I should say, let's figure out a way to to not do that.
26:32So, again, we both sides were willing to move and change different things.
26:37And it was a pretty, pretty calm mannered negotiation is what I can what I can say,
26:43at least what I can hear on both sides.
26:45So it was a it was good.
26:48Lastly, for me, and sorry for monopolizing everyone's time.
26:50But you mentioned the free agency.
26:52If you could maybe just weigh in a little bit.
26:54I know you got a new receiver in Palmer.
26:56Ty Johnson is back.
26:58What have you thought of the moves, particularly on offense, the ones that will impact you
27:02so far?
27:04Obviously, getting Ty and Reggie back is huge for our offense.
27:09Super sad to see Mac go.
27:11I know he was kind of a fan favorite as well as a favorite in the locker room.
27:14But I'm very happy for him and what he got.
27:17Hate that he's in a division rival now, but it's the game that we play.
27:21And then bringing in a guy like Josh Palmer has proved that he can play at a high level.
27:26And I'm looking forward to working with him and adding him into that wide receiver group
27:30and the defensive side.
27:32I think we've added some some real ballers.
27:34So I'm very excited about that, too.
27:36And I'm looking forward to getting to work with those guys.
27:38Thanks a lot, Josh.
27:43Josh, Mookie Hawkins, World Force 1st and 80, man.
27:46Thank you, Mook.
27:47Appreciate you.
27:48Man, what'd you have?
27:49You cut your princess work off?
27:50I got a little cut.
27:52It's still it's it's a little less now.
27:55All right.
27:56I see how you roll.
27:57And I see how you roll.
27:58Hey, listen, man, what a year, first and foremost, man.
28:01And what pretty molded you into the leader that you become?
28:05And how do you evolve more into that role?
28:09Again, I think the number one thing that I've always tried to be is just be myself,
28:14be as authentic as possible and don't try to be, you know, Captain America one day
28:20and then goofball the next day.
28:22I've always kind of been somewhere in between in terms of, you know,
28:26how I like to talk with my teammates and get everybody involved and making sure
28:31that we're staying loose and keeping keeping it in perspective of we're playing football.
28:36This is a game that we've all been playing since we were kids and continue to have fun with it.
28:41But there are times that we need to button up and, you know, put our serious faces on.
28:46But again, I just think that the happiness and the joy that I try to bring to our locker room,
28:51I think it is infectious.
28:52I think guys guys love that.
28:54So that's what I'm trying to continue to do.
28:56How excited were you to bring a guy named Joy Bosa to help both of that defense?
29:01That was a pretty, pretty cool sign.
29:03And, you know, he's gotten to me a couple of times in my career.
29:06You know, I'm glad we don't have to play against him now and focus on chipping him
29:10and getting help over there for tackles.
29:12But, you know, he's a stud.
29:14He's proved that he can play at the top of the level, at the highest of the highs.
29:19So looking forward to him coming in and making an impact for our defense.
29:23One more, Josh, if I may.
29:25Brandon Bean said you were quite the draft mock simulator buff, over 150.
29:31What do you think will be your top three?
29:33Well, I got to dive into this class.
29:35I haven't really done much film work yet.
29:38You know, so making sure I'm talking with the offensive staff and, you know,
29:42being basically drafts, whatever I say.
29:44So I've got I'm just kidding.
29:47I give some input.
29:48I don't know how much he takes it into account.
29:50I know he took it into account last year, which I'm very grateful for,
29:54that he's got that trust and respect in me.
29:57But that's not what I get paid to do.
29:59I get paid to throw the football and try to lead the team, not pick the team.
30:03So that's why he gets paid the big bucks.
30:05Hey, man, I appreciate you.
30:07Congratulations, not once, but twice.
30:09See you soon.
30:10Sounds good, man.
30:19Josh, you didn't.
30:20Josh Reed, you did not unmute yourself.
30:26Dang zooms.
30:28Still muted, still muted.
30:32While you get that figured out, we're going to go to Henry McKenna real fast.
30:39Hey, Josh, it looks like you can hear me.
30:41Okay. Right.
30:42Gotcha. Yep.
30:43All right. Good to see you.
30:47I'm going to hit on the point Jay hit a little bit on.
30:49And I don't mean to belabor, you know,
30:51the questions of whether you could have made more, but I mean, I do think,
30:55you know, if you ask for the moon,
30:57this organization would probably be willing to give it to you.
31:00But that's, that's not the face of the point of your career you're in.
31:04And maybe it reminds me a little bit of, I don't know, Tom Brady, where,
31:09you know,
31:10you have a lot of security with your organization and you talked about not
31:15really worrying about MVPs, that Superbowl is the priority.
31:18How much,
31:19how much are you thinking about Superbowls when you're thinking about the
31:22contract value that you want?
31:25Yeah. I mean, that's really the only thing I'm thinking about.
31:28Just trying to continue to get better and find a way to bring a Lombardi
31:33trophy to Western New York. And that's,
31:35I think that's why Bean's kind of doing what he's doing in the free agency
31:39period right now, the guys that he's brought in,
31:41guys that he thinks can help push us over that, that hump. So again,
31:45just looking forward to getting back and then working hard and trying to find
31:49a way to get better.
31:51And then to ask again, a similar question to Mookie,
31:55you said it's sort of draft season for you.
31:58What has it been like for you to, again,
32:02I know you're not, Bean is bringing you in,
32:05but maybe not always taking your opinions.
32:08But what is that process like to learn, you know,
32:12the scouting side of things,
32:13what sort of things has that staff taught you and how has that expanded your
32:19knowledge of football in general?
32:21Yeah, I mean,
32:22I think just understanding what type of player they like to bring into our
32:26locker room. And I think above good players that we have in this locker,
32:30we've got great human beings.
32:32And I think that's something that helps develop the chemistry within a team of
32:38guys that get along with each other, guys that play for the right reasons,
32:41guys that have each other's backs.
32:43And I think if you were to look at like just the cohesiveness of our locker
32:48room compared maybe to some others, which again,
32:51I've never been around another locker room, so I don't know,
32:53but I'd be willing to bet that I'd take ours over anybody in this leagues.
32:58Just given how close we are, the fact that we're in Buffalo,
33:02there's not a whole lot to do in terms of getting in trouble off the field.
33:06Guys are five, 10 minutes away from each other's houses.
33:09So we're constantly hanging out with each other.
33:11And it's just a very family-like atmosphere.
33:14And I think that they take into account the player's character,
33:20maybe more than some organizations, which again,
33:23I think that helps build a team.
33:26Great. Appreciate you, Josh.
33:28Of course. Thank you.
33:37Josh is still muted.
33:38Josh Reed, what's going on, man?
33:46It's not working, Josh. You're going to be last. Jenna, we're going to you.
33:56All right. Can you hear me?
33:57Yeah, I got you.
33:58Okay. All right. Congratulations, Josh.
34:00I'm just curious for you, like the MVP that moment,
34:04but then also having your parents there, like, what was that like for you?
34:09Yeah, that was pretty special.
34:10I think they probably take more pride in that award than I do.
34:17I even venture to say some of my teammates take more pride in that than I do.
34:21But, you know, I didn't practice the speech.
34:26I kind of thought of what I was going to say.
34:28I wanted to mention a few more people.
34:30And then my eyes like kind of naturally floated to my parents
34:33after I talked about Sean, Brandon, and Mr. Pagula.
34:37And I'd skipped and just kind of blacked out and forgot everything that I saw.
34:42I saw my parents were bawling, crying, you know,
34:44just like I wanted to give a little quick story of how much they mean to me,
34:48how much the support they've given me and my family throughout my entire,
34:52not just career, but life.
34:54So everything went out the window when I saw them.
34:58But to share that moment with them, it was pretty special.
35:03So the do good, be good, go Bills, like that was all off the cuff?
35:08Jen, I walked off the stadium and I just said, did I mention everybody?
35:12I didn't really know what happened.
35:14And then obviously mentioned Slick Rick, which didn't think that –
35:19I didn't know how that came up into my head,
35:21but I'm very happy that Slick Rick's got some recognition
35:26for how well he's been in our locker room, in our facility.
35:31He's the man, so I'm happy that he's had some cool things happen to him
35:35because he deserves it.
35:37The last question for me, just, you know, not that this was on your mind,
35:41but how much does this kind of let you just really focus on football?
35:45Yeah, I mean, like I alluded to it earlier a little bit,
35:48just push it four years down the road.
35:50We'll worry about it when we get there or five years,
35:52whatever the case may be.
35:54Yeah, and my whole goal is to do whatever I can do to win a Super Bowl.
35:59Win a Super Bowl.
36:00So that's the plan.
36:06All right, me again.
36:07Sorry, Josh.
36:08You just brought him up and this was actually what I was going to ask about,
36:10but the Slick Rick stuff, obviously that blew up.
36:13Did you see everything that happened afterwards
36:16and have you been able to talk to him since then?
36:19Yeah, I saw a few interviews and I called him basically to say sorry
36:27because I felt like maybe he felt a little overwhelmed
36:30with everything that was happening.
36:32And, you know, he didn't ask for any of that to happen either.
36:35So I just called him and was like, I'm so sorry if this is too much.
36:38You know, that wasn't my intention.
36:40But he was obviously very thankful and grateful.
36:43And obviously I didn't do it for that reason, but like I said,
36:48I'm glad he's got some recognition and some standing in the community
36:51and people know who he is because he deserves to be known.
36:54Are those the types of people and the types of stories that you would
36:58characterize make your organization different?
37:01Are those the types of things you would put it to?
37:04I can rattle off a few more people in that facility that, again,
37:07deserve to be known to.
37:09And just the cohesiveness that really is in our facility from the top down
37:15is pretty special and very fortunate to be a part of an organization
37:19that values everybody in the facility the same way.
37:23Thank you, Josh.
37:26Let's see.
37:27Josh, get it done.
37:29Hey, what's up, Josh?
37:30Can you hear me?
37:31Yeah, I got you.
37:32Hey, congratulations.
37:33My question is, in addition to yourself,
37:35you've also had other key guys sign extensions this offseason,
37:38like Khalil, Terrell, Greg.
37:40Just what's it like for you?
37:41What's it mean to you to know that you're not only here long-term,
37:43but some other core pieces of this team are here with you long-term as well?
37:47Yeah, I'm very happy.
37:48All three of those guys are absolutely deserving of every penny that they get.
37:54Selfishly, Khalil, that's my guy.
37:57He's been so good for us the last few years and we can do better.
38:03And then Greg and TB.
38:05TB is obviously the captain of our defense.
38:07He's the heartbeat.
38:09He's a guy, him and Greg, are both guys that just do it.
38:12I think they're right in the training room,
38:15work on hot tub, cold tub.
38:18I mean, they're there at the very beginning of the day,
38:21first one's in, last one's out.
38:23So it's no surprise that they got their extensions that they did.
38:28And finally, last question.
38:30Obviously, this is a city that loves you.
38:32You think about the Gatorade poster in downtown and everything.
38:35Just what's it like for you to see the reaction and the support from this city
38:39that's maybe still waiting on a Super Bowl title,
38:42but their reaction to you winning MVP and getting this extension on that,
38:45they get to keep you watching you play here.
38:48Yeah, Bill's Mafia is the best.
38:50The fans, the people of Western New York are just some of the most,
38:55the best people you'll ever meet in your life.
38:57And that's kind of what I talked about earlier is the family-like atmosphere
39:02in the community, a small town feel.
39:04Everybody kind of knows everybody.
39:06And I'm just very fortunate to be a part of a community that loves me
39:12as much as I love them and being around them
39:15and being there in Western New York.
39:17So it's a perfect fit.
39:21Unfortunately, Josh Reed did not get it figured out.
39:24So that's all we have for you today, Josh.
39:27All right.
39:28Sorry, Josh.
39:30Thank you, guys.
