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University of Southern California

Located in Los Angeles, a global center for arts, technology and international trade, the University of Southern California is one of the world’s leading private research universities. USC enrolls more international students than any other U.S. university and offers extensive opportunities for internships and study abroad. With a strong tradition of integrating liberal and professional education, USC fosters a vibrant culture of public service and encourages students to cross academic as well as geographic boundaries in their pursuit of knowledge.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 604 articles

O calor extremo aumenta o risco de várias doenças, incluindo problemas renais e cardíacos, e os adultos mais velhos são os mais vulneráveis a seus efeitos. Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Calor extremo acelera silenciosamente o envelhecimento em nível molecular

As pessoas que vivem em locais onde ocorrem dias de calor extremo com frequência envelhecem mais rapidamente em nível molecular.
Black and Latino communities are disproportionately affected by mass surveillance, studies show. Vicente Méndez/Getty Images

We study mass surveillance for social control, and we see Trump laying the groundwork to ‘contain’ people of color and immigrants

Create a moral panic. Blame it on certain people. Commence monitoring. Deploy droves of security agents. Detain or remove the targets. Sound familiar?
Part of the problem is that people living in rural areas don’t always have easy access to health care. cstar55/iStock via Getty Images

Rural Americans don’t live as long as those in cities − new research

The study shows rates for smoking, obesity and chronic conditions such as heart disease are comparatively higher in rural areas, leading to shorter life expectancy.
The Trump meme coin has already attracted over a half-million buyers. Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

Why Trump’s meme coin is a cash grab

Roughly 80% of the coin supply will be distributed to its founders over the course of three years – and that could leave everyday investors holding the bag.
As posições pró-combustíveis fósseis de Donald Trump estão em nítido contraste com os esforços para proteger o clima. O setor de petróleo implementou uma campanha de desinformação criada para lançar dúvidas sobre a ciência climática. A estratégia, extraída das páginas do manual do setor de tabaco, envolveu “enfatizar a incerteza” para lançar dúvidas sobre a ciência. Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images

Como o setor de petróleo e as crescentes divisões políticas transformaram as mudanças climáticas em uma questão partidária

O pêndulo da política climática está oscilando novamente com Trump no cargo. Dinheiro, lobby e conversas sobre estados republicanos e democratas desempenham um papel na divisão política e pública.
Dans certains cas, l’analyse d’une région du cerveau appelée cortex entorhinal pourrait permettre de détecter les stades précoces de la maladie d’Alzheimer. Fizkes/Shutterstock

La vulnérabilité aux escroqueries, un indicateur précoce de la maladie d’Alzheimer ?

Chez certaines personnes âgées se disant vulnérables aux escroqueries, une région du cerveau affectée au début de la maladie d’Alzheimer présente une épaisseur plus faible que la normale.
The Aochi family in the Rohwer, Arkansas, detention camp. Photo courtesy of June Aochi Berk

Righting a wrong, name by name − the Irei monument honors Japanese Americans imprisoned by the US government during World War II

The US government locked up nearly 126,000 Japanese Americans from 1942 to 1945, but never kept comprehensive records of all the people subjected to this unjustified incarceration.


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