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Alan Rusbridger

October 2024

  • Tom Bussmann

    Other lives
    Tom Bussmann obituary

    Other lives: Compiler of the Guardian’s Zeitgeist column who was also an advertising copywriter and producer of TV commercials

May 2023

  • Illustration for a Full Story episode on how the Guardian shaped Australia

    Full Story
    How the Guardian shaped (and shook) Australian media – Full Story podcast

    The story of how Guardian Australia launched in 2013 and the impact of its journalism since then

August 2021

  • Rusbridger wants to make Prospect magazine ‘a cradle of ideas and thoughtful debate’.

    Political journals ring the changes in a battle of ideas – and a fight for readers

    Former Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger’s arrival at Prospect is part of a trend that is raising the stakes of debate in Britain

June 2021

  • Harry Jackson (Harold Jackson). Stamped ‘Guardian Copyright’.Used 24 Aug 1970, 21 April 1970 & 12 April 1970. GNM Archive ref: GUA/6/9/1/11/2/J

    Harold Jackson obituary

    Chief foreign correspondent of the Guardian in the 1960s, features editor and chief systems editor of the paper in the 80s

May 2021

  • Tony Blair; David Cameron; Donald Trump; Jonathan Aitken; Alastair Campbell; files being destroyed at Guardian HQ

    Guardian 200
    The rudest things they ever said about the Guardian

  • The Guardian website iterations during the tenure of Alan Rusbridger, pictured (right) at the launch of a major redesign in 2015

    Guardian 200
    ‘It was exhilarating’: how the Guardian went digital – and global

March 2021

  • Rusbridger was appearing before a House of Lords committee.

    Alan Rusbridger says Oversight Board will ask to see Facebook's algorithm

    Former Guardian editor who is on board says it intends to broaden its remit and examine network’s AI

December 2020

  • Dummy editions of newspapers hot off the press. The new Guardian Berliner format printing presses, in the new Guardian Print Centre in Stratford, east London. Note - old masthead, pre-redesign

    News and How to Use It by Alan Rusbridger review – a captivating A to Z guide

    The former Guardian editor offers a compelling tour of journalism and why it matters

November 2020

  • News Corp chief Rupert Murdoch, (R) his wife Wendi Deng (C) and son Lachlan (L) leave their London home on April 26, 2012, as Rupert Murdoch prepares to give evidence for a second day at the Leveson Inquiry. Rupert Murdoch denied Wednesday that he had exerted a decades-long stranglehold over British politics as he finally testified at an inquiry sparked by the misdeeds of his media empire. AFP PHOTO / BEN STANSALLBEN STANSALL/AFP/GettyImages

    Book of the day
    News and How to Use It by Alan Rusbridger review – an insider's appeal to sceptics

    The former Guardian editor’s insights into journalism and how it must regain the public’s trust are perceptive and reflect a chaotic and messy business

May 2020

  • Helle Thorning-Schmidt and Alan Rusbridger

    Journalists, politicians and judges to sit on Facebook's free speech panel

    New independent board, which includes ex-Guardian editor, will rule on freedom of expression issues

March 2020

  • Tom Watson on Good Morning Britain 6 January 2020

    Tom Watson is no friend of a free press

    Letters: Tim Luckhurst is unimpressed by the former Labour deputy leader’s enthusiasm for state-sanctioned regulation of newspapers, while Nathan Sparkes of Hacked Off says robust, independent regulation must be introduced

February 2020

  • Pauline Willis

    Other lives
    Pauline Willis obituary

    Other lives: Feminist conscience of the Guardian women’s page and PA to Alan Rusbridger

September 2018

  • Balliol College, Oxford.

    Oxford 'spends £108,000' to recruit each extra low-income student

  • The Guardian printing press, Stratford, London.

    Book of the week
    Breaking News: The Remaking of Journalism and Why It Matters Now by Alan Rusbridger – review

  • Subeditors at work on the old London Evening News

    Subeditors needed more than ever

  • Alan Rusbridger

    Book of the day
    Breaking News by Alan Rusbridger review – the remaking of journalism and why it matters now

January 2018

  • Peter Preston and Alan Rusbridger, 9 December 1996

    ‘Creativity squared’: how Peter Preston's G2 sparked a tabloid revolution

    It was the late editor’s idea to reconcile ‘pop and posh’ in one much-imitated features section. When the Guardian changes size next week, that spirit will live on

April 2017

  • Ian Mayes at home in Buckinghamshire

    Inside the Guardian
    'I wanted to take you inside the paper' – a new history of the Guardian

    Former readers’ editor Ian Mayes’s book, covering a tumultuous three decades in the newspaper’s history, is nearing completion

October 2016

  • Peter Preston

    Peter Preston on press and broadcasting
    Impress is here to stay. Let’s quit the barricades and think anew about press regulation

    Peter Preston
  • Roy Greenslade

    Who are the new kids on the block in investigative journalism?

    Roy Greenslade
About 291 results for Alan Rusbridger