Other lives: Compiler of the Guardian’s Zeitgeist column who was also an advertising copywriter and producer of TV commercials
May 2023
Full Story
How the Guardian shaped (and shook) Australian media – Full Story podcast
The story of how Guardian Australia launched in 2013 and the impact of its journalism since then
August 2021
Political journals ring the changes in a battle of ideas – and a fight for readers
Former Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger’s arrival at Prospect is part of a trend that is raising the stakes of debate in Britain
June 2021
Harold Jackson obituary
Chief foreign correspondent of the Guardian in the 1960s, features editor and chief systems editor of the paper in the 80s
May 2021
Guardian 200
The rudest things they ever said about the Guardian
Guardian 200
‘It was exhilarating’: how the Guardian went digital – and global
March 2021
Alan Rusbridger says Oversight Board will ask to see Facebook's algorithm
Former Guardian editor who is on board says it intends to broaden its remit and examine network’s AI
December 2020
News and How to Use It by Alan Rusbridger review – a captivating A to Z guide
The former Guardian editor offers a compelling tour of journalism and why it matters
November 2020
Book of the day
News and How to Use It by Alan Rusbridger review – an insider's appeal to sceptics
The former Guardian editor’s insights into journalism and how it must regain the public’s trust are perceptive and reflect a chaotic and messy business
May 2020
Journalists, politicians and judges to sit on Facebook's free speech panel
New independent board, which includes ex-Guardian editor, will rule on freedom of expression issues
March 2020
Tom Watson is no friend of a free press
Letters: Tim Luckhurst is unimpressed by the former Labour deputy leader’s enthusiasm for state-sanctioned regulation of newspapers, while Nathan Sparkes of Hacked Off says robust, independent regulation must be introduced
February 2020
Other lives
Pauline Willis obituary
Other lives: Feminist conscience of the Guardian women’s page and PA to Alan Rusbridger
September 2018
Oxford 'spends £108,000' to recruit each extra low-income student
Book of the week
Breaking News: The Remaking of Journalism and Why It Matters Now by Alan Rusbridger – review
Subeditors needed more than ever
Book of the day
Breaking News by Alan Rusbridger review – the remaking of journalism and why it matters now
January 2018
‘Creativity squared’: how Peter Preston's G2 sparked a tabloid revolution
It was the late editor’s idea to reconcile ‘pop and posh’ in one much-imitated features section. When the Guardian changes size next week, that spirit will live on
April 2017
Inside the Guardian
'I wanted to take you inside the paper' – a new history of the Guardian
Former readers’ editor Ian Mayes’s book, covering a tumultuous three decades in the newspaper’s history, is nearing completion
October 2016
Peter Preston on press and broadcasting
Impress is here to stay. Let’s quit the barricades and think anew about press regulation
Peter Preston
Who are the new kids on the block in investigative journalism?