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Stephen King

Stephen King's novels have sold more than 350m copies

October 2024

  • Stephen King at his home in Maine.

    The books of my life
    Stephen King: ‘I loved Lord of the Flies the way kids love Harry Potter’

    The horror author on Dr Seuss, the radicalism of Earl Thompson, and the perfect whodunnit

June 2023

  • Cormac McCarthy.

    Cormac McCarthy remembered: ‘His work will sing down the centuries’

    The celebrated US author of Blood Meridian, The Road and No Country for Old Men has died. Here, leading contemporaries and critics pay tribute to him

October 2021

  • ‘The twists and turns are riveting’: Stephen King, Paula Hawkins and others on their favourite le Carré

    The master of espionage wrote 26 novels – top authors share the books they love the most

May 2017

  • A soldier and a police officer in Westminster

    Politics Weekly UK
    Tackling terrorism – Politics Weekly podcast

    Heather Stewart is joined by the Guardian’s home affairs editor Alan Travis to discuss the government’s response to the Manchester attack and how the main parties differ in their approach to tackling terrorism. Plus: Larry Elliott and Stephen King on the retreat of globalisation

April 2017

  • Illustration of novelist Stephen King surrounded by six shadowy figures

    Stephen King on Donald Trump: ‘How do such men rise? First as a joke’

    He’s written novels with eerily similar plotlines – but how did Trump become president? The only way to find out: inject a panel of fictional voters with truth serum...

June 2016

  • Author Stephen King photographed at his home in Maine, USA.
For Weekend magazine 21/09/2013

    End of Watch by Stephen King – exclusive extract

    The master of horror returns with detective Bill Hodges and the diabolical killer Brady Hartsfield. His malign powers, it turns out, are not yet defeated. Here is a taster to make you instantly afraid

April 2014

  • Carrie film

    Stephen King: How I wrote Carrie

    The author describes the inspirations for his first novel, and how the horror landmark – 40 years old this week – was very nearly destroyed