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Bars in Paris before and after Covid curfew – in pictures

This article is more than 4 years old

On Saturday, Paris went under a night-time curfew that will last at least a month. France has reported another record for new coronavirus cases, with more than 32,000 registered in 24 hours

By Kiran Ridley/Getty Images
A bar on the Rue de Seine

A bar on the Rue de Seine

Le Compas bar in Les Halles

Le Compas bar in Les Halles

A cafe bar near the Eiffel Tower

A cafe bar near the Eiffel Tower

The Château d'Eau in the 10th arrondissement

The Château d’Eau in the 10th arrondissement

A bar on the Rue de Buci

A bar on the Rue de Buci

Le Sancerre on Rue des Abbesses

Le Sancerre on Rue des Abbesses

The Café de Flore on boulevard St Germain

The Café de Flore on Boulevard St Germain

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