Photo by Bobbi Lin

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June 4, 2022
About the suggestion to put diatomaceous earth on the soil to kill gnats. It will kill every other insect that comes in contact with it, including beneficial insects. Not a good idea.
April 10, 2022
I rub Vaseline on one side of scrap pieces of thick paper or thin cardboard like you get in junk mail and shake the plant or plants and immediately wave the sticky side of the paper over the plant and the adult flies get stuck in the Vaseline. It may take a few swipes to get them all after the ones that got away the first time have settled back on the plant. Sticky traps are very sticky if you accidentally get the glue on you-Vaseline is sticky enough to catch a gnat-it’s much more user friendly.
To prevent them just water your Néw plants well and after that runs off add a solution of 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a half gallon of water-the acidity will kill the insect stage in the soil. I do it to every néw plant that I plan on bringing inside to live.
To prevent them just water your Néw plants well and after that runs off add a solution of 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a half gallon of water-the acidity will kill the insect stage in the soil. I do it to every néw plant that I plan on bringing inside to live.
April 10, 2022
Sorry I was incomplete - my prior comment re: using peroxide is for fungus gnats attacking potted plants.
April 10, 2022
I've not had direct experience with hydrogen peroxide (1/3) and water (2/3) in a spray bottle, but am getting ready to try it since nothing else had worked for me. The directions are to "shake the mix in a spray bottle, spray the undersides of the leaves and the top of the DRY soil. It may take more than 1 application."
[email protected]
April 9, 2022
I did try the apple cider method last night, epic fail. I guess they like Rosemary better. They are also in my living room flying around the lamp. I really don’t want fly paper around my house. Help, I don’t know what to do. I did see the wine bottle idea, will it work with white wine also? Does it really work?
rainbow G.
March 30, 2022
You missed my favorite method! Buy a carnivorous plant (we prefer a pitcher plant) and leave it beside the place where you get flies. For us it is on the window sill above the compost. We get a fly or two during the summer, but mostly just a bigger plant year after year.
[email protected]
July 9, 2021
We tried the plastic wrap version. Holes were either too large or too small. Didn’t work. Ended up killing them with a towel (approach slowly then knob quickly). You can get really close. Source was thrown out pineapple pieces.
June 4, 2021
Good ideas! Another one that I find very satisfying: cover up all other sources of interest to gnats, but leave one small open bowl with bits of banana peel or other fruit. Let the gnats gather then vacuum them away. It takes only a few goes before they're gone for good.
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