MAPPING L.A. > San Gabriel Valley
South El Monte
- 20,935 population in 2000, according to the U.S. Census
- 2.93 square miles
- 7,150 people per square mile, about average for the San Gabriel Valley and about average for the county
- The percentage of Latino people is high for the county.
- Not especially diverse for the San Gabriel Valley and not especially diverse for the county
- $46,912 median household income (2008 dollars), low for the San Gabriel Valley and low for the county
- In Los Angeles County, Canoga Park, Sun Valley and Long Beach have the most similar household incomes.
- The percentage of households earning $20,000 to $40,000 is high for the county.
- 3.1% of residents 25 and older have a four-year degree, low for the San Gabriel Valley and low for the county
- In Los Angeles County, Wilmington, Walnut Park and Boyle Heights have the nearest percentage of residents 25 and older with a four-year degree.
- The percentage of residents 25 and older with less than a high school diploma is high for the county.
- The median age is 25, young for the San Gabriel Valley and young for the county
- In Los Angeles County, Adams-Normandie, Azusa and Citrus have similar median ages.
- The percentages of residents ages 10 or younger and 19 to 34 are among the county's highest.
- Check where South El Monte falls in a county ranking.
- There are 656 families headed by single parents. The rate is 16.5%, high for the San Gabriel Valley but about average for the county
- There are 661 veterans, or 4.7% of the population, low for the San Gabriel Valley and low for the county overall
- The percentages of veterans who served during Vietnam and 1975-89 are among the county's highest.
Ancestry and immigration
- Mexican (73.8%) and Chinese (3.3%) are the most common ancestries.
- 10,861 (51.9%) of residents are foreign born, high for the San Gabriel Valley and high for the county. Mexico (79.5%) and Vietnam (7.6%) are the most common foreign places of birth.
South El Monte
is a city in the San Gabriel Valley region of Los Angeles County.
This neighborhood includes Unincorporated South El Monte in its area and statistics.
The neighboring communities are Avocado Heights, El Monte, Industry, Pico Rivera, Rosemead, South San Gabriel, Whittier and Whittier Narrows.
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South El Monte is one of the 272 neighborhoods in
Mapping L.A.,
The Times’ resource for crime,
demographics and schools.