Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 17, § 56056 - Corrective Action Plan (CAP)

(a) The regional center and the administrator shall meet to develop a written corrective action plan (CAP) within 10 working days of the identification and verification of a substantial inadequacy.
(b) The CAP shall describe:
(1) The substantial inadequacy and cite the statute, regulation, IPP, or Admission Agreement requirement for which noncompliance is identified and shall inform the administrator of the right to appeal the findings; and
(2) The method(s) by which the administrator is to correct the substantial inadequacy.
(c) Correction of the substantial inadequacy shall occur within a period not to exceed 30 days of the development of the CAP unless the regional center determines that correction cannot be accomplished within the specified time frame.
(1) When correction will take longer than 30 days from the development of the CAP, the CAP shall specify interim dates by which specific steps toward correction of the substantial inadequacy will take place, with the total time period not to exceed six months.
(d) Within two working days of meeting with the administrator, the regional center shall provide a copy of the CAP to the administrator.
(e) The regional center is authorized to send a copy of the CAP to the appropriate Department of Social Services' Community Care Licensing Division district office.
(f) The regional center shall send a copy of the CAP to any other regional center which has consumers residing in the facility who are affected by the substantial inadequacy.
(g) The administrator shall return the signed and dated CAP to the regional center within seven days of its receipt, with any areas of disagreement noted in writing.
(h) The facility liaison shall:
(1) Visit the facility to review and document actions taken by the administrator to implement the CAP; and
(2) Document any substantial inadequacy(ies) which is not corrected within the specified time frame.


Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 17, § 56056
1. New section filed 1-14-91; operative 2-13-91 (Register 91, No. 14).
2. Amendment of section filed 9-20-93 as an emergency; operative 9-20-93. Submitted to OAL for printing only pursuant to Chapter 722, Statutes of 1992, Section 147 (Register 93, No. 39). These regulations shall not be repealed by the Office of Administrative Law and shall remain in effect until revised or repealed, as appropriate.
3. Amendment of section filed 11-23-94; operative 11-23-94 (Register 94, No. 47).
4. Editorial correction of HISTORY 2 (Register 94, No. 47).
5. Change without regulatory effect amending NOTE filed 12-2-98 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 98, No. 49).

Note: Authority cited: Sections 4681.1, 4748 and 4791(i), Welfare and Institutions Code; Chapter 722, Statutes of 1992, Section 147. Reference: Sections 4647, 4648.1, 4742, 4745, 4746 and 4791, Welfare and Institutions Code.

1. New section filed 1-14-91; operative 2-13-91 (Register 91, No. 14).
2. Amendment of section filed 9-20-93 as an emergency; operative 9-20-93. Submitted to OAL for printing only pursuant to Chapter 722, Statutes of 1992, Section 147 (Register 93, No. 39). These regulations shall not be repealed by the Office of Administrative Law and shall remain in effect until revised or repealed, as appropriate.
3. Amendment of section filed 11-23-94; operative 11-23-94 (Register 94, No. 47).
4. Editorial correction of History 2 (Register 94, No. 47).
5. Change without regulatory effect amending Note filed 12-2-98 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 98, No. 49).

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.