5 FAH-3 H-300�
5 FAH-3 H-310�
(CT:TAGS-88;�� 03-09-2021)
(Office of Origin:� A/GIS/IPS/RA)
5 FAH-3 H-311 �Scope
(CT:TAGS-46;�� 02-28-2012)
a. This subchapter contains titles and acronyms for organization names for TAGS use.� There are over 1400 organization acronyms listed in alphabetical order by full name and by acronym.� This list is used as an approved list for organization names for internal Department of State organizations and external, non-Department of State organizations.
Sample listings:
American University in Beirut use AUB
Amnesty International use AI
AMOCO use for American Oil Company
ANC use for African National Congress
Andean Pact
b. Due to some organization names having the same acronyms, we have added additional indicators to the acronyms in order to distinguish them.
International Whaling Commission - IWC-1
International Wheat Council - IWC-2
International Rescue Committee - IRC-2
International Red Cross – IRC-3
c.� Acronyms range from two to seven or more characters. Some organization names are used instead of an acronym.
UN – United Nations
ADB - Asian Development Bank
PBOS - Planning Board on Ocean Shipping
ECOWAS - Economic Community of West African States
Alitalia – Italian airline
d. Submit additions or changes to the list to:
����� Department of State
Agency Records Officer
Room 5009
Washington, DC 20037
or call 202-261-8424
(CT:TAGS-88;�� 03-09-2021)
9W use for Jet Airways
A3 use for Aegean Airlines
AAA use for American Automobile Association
AAFLI use for Asian American Free Labor Institute
AAI use for African American Institute
AALC use for African American Labor Center
AB use for Air Berlin
ABA use for American Bar Association
ABC use for American Broadcasting Company
ABMC use for American Battle Monuments Commission
ACABQ use for UN Advisory Committee on Administration and Budget Questions
ACTU use for Australian Labor Union
ADB use for Asian Development Bank
ADB-1 use for Association for the Advancement of International Education
ADF use for African Development Foundation
Administration and Budget Committee (UNGA) use UNGA/C-5
Adria Airways use JP (Slovenia airline)
AEC use for Atomic Energy Commission
AEDF use for Asian Economic Development Fund
Aegean Airlines use A3
AER LINGUS use for Irish Airline
AEROFLOT use for Russian Airline
Aeromexico use AM
Aeropostal Alas de Venezuela use for Venezuela Airline
Aerosvit use VV (Ukraine Airline)
Aerovias Nacionales De Colombia use AVIANCA
AFDB use for African Development Bank
AFDF use for African Development Fund
Afghan Airline use ARIANA
AFL-CIO use for American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organization
AFP use for Agence France Press
African America Labor Center use AALC
African American Institute use AAI
African Development Bank use AFDB
African Development Foundation use ADF
African Development Fund use AFDF
African National Congress use ANC
AFSA use for American Foreign Service Association
Agence France Press use AFP
Agency for International Development use AID
AGR use for Department of Agriculture
AH use Air Algerie
AI use for Amnesty International
AID use for Agency for International Development
AIFLD use for American Institute for Free Labor Development
AirAsia use for Malaysia Airline
Air Algerie use AH
Air Berlin use AB
Air Canada
Air Chad use for Toumai Air Tchad
Air China use CA
Air Europa use UX Air France
Air India
Air Jamaica
Air Malta use KM
Air New Zealand
Air Pacific
AirTran Airways use FL
AKB use for Allied Kommandatura Berlin
AL-1 use for Arab League
Alaska Airlines use AS
Algerian National Liberation Front AKA National Army of Liberation (Algeria) use���� FLN
ALIA use for Royal Jordanian Airline
Alitalia use for Italian Airline (Alitalia Compagnia Aerea Italiana)
Alitalia Compagnia Aerea Italiana use Alitalia
All Union Central Council of Trade Unions (USSR) use AUCCTU
Allied Kommandatura Berlin use AKB
Allis Chalmers
AM use for Aeromexico
ALP use for Australian Labor Party
AMAL use for Movement of the Deprived (Sh’a Muslim Militia Organization)
AMAX use for American Metals Climax Inc
AMCHAMS use for American Chambers of Commerce
American Airlines
American Automobile Association use AAA
American Bar Association use ABA
American Battle Monuments Commission use ABMC
American Broadcasting Company use ABC
American Chambers of Commerce use AMCHAMS
American Express
American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations use AFL-CIO
American Foreign Service Association use AFSA
American Institute for Free Labor Development use AIFLD
American Metals Climax Inc use AMAX
American Oil Company use AMOCO
American Red Cross use ARC
American Telephone & Telegraph use AT&T
American University in Beirut use AUB
Amnesty International use AI
AMOCO use for American Oil Company
ANA use NH
ANC use for African National Congress
Andean Pact
ANZUS use for Australia, New Zealand and US Council
AP use for Associated Press
APAG use for Atlantic Policy Advisory Group
APCAC use for Asian Pacific Council of American Chambers of Commerce
APECO use for Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
Arab League use AL
Arabian American Oil Company use ARAMCO
ARAMCO use for Arabian American Oil Company
ARC use for American Red Cross
ARCL use for Arctic Council
ARCO use for Atlantic Richfield Oil Company
ARDE use for Revolutionary Democratic Alliance
ARENA a Political Party in El Salvador
ARIANA use for Afghan Airline
Arik Air use W3
Armenian Secret Army use ASALA
AS use for Alaska Airlines
ASALA use for Armenian Secret Army
ASEAN use for Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Asiana Airlines use OZ
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation use APECO
Asia Society
Asian and Pacific Council use ASPAC
Asian American Free Labor Institute use AAFLI
Asian Development Bank use ADB
Asian Economic Development Fund use AEDF
Asian Foundation
Asian Pacific Council of American Chambers of Commerce use APCAC
Asian Wall Street Journal
ASPAC use for Asian and Pacific Council
Associated Press use AP
Association for the Advancement of International Education use ADB-1
Association of Southeast Asian Nations use ASEAN
AT use Royal Air Maroc
AT&T use for American Telephone & Telegraph
ATA use for Atlantic Treaty Association
Atlantic Policy Advisory Group use APAG
Atlantic Richfield Oil Company use ARCO
Atlantic Treaty Association use ATA
Atomic Energy Commission use AEC
AU-1 use for African Union
AUB use for American University in Beirut
AUCCTU use for All Union Central Council of Trade Unions (USSR)
Australia, New Zealand, and US Council use ANZUS
Australian Airlines use OS
Australian Labor Party use ALP
Australian Labor Union use ACTU
Automatic Data Processing Security use ADPSEC
AVIANCA use for Aerovias Nacionales De Colombia
B6 use for Jet Blue
Banco Interamericano de Desarollo AKA Inter American Development use IDB
Bank of America
Bank of England
Bank of International Settlements use BIS
Bank of Mexico
BASC use for Berlin Air Safety Center
Basque Terrorist Group use ETA
BBC use for British Broadcasting Company
BD use for BMI
BDC use for Berlin Document Center
Bell Helicopter
BENDIX use for Bendix Corporation
Bendix Corporation use BENDIX
Berlin Air Safety Center use BASC
Berlin Document Center use BDC
Berlin Quadripartite Group use BQG
Bethlehem Steel
BG use for Biman Bangladesh Airlines
BIE use for Bureau of International Expositions
Biman Bangladesh Airlines use BG
BIS use for Bank of International Settlements
BLS use for Bureau of Labor Statistics
Blue1 use KF
BMI use BD
Board of Appellate Review use LBAR
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System AKA Federal Reserve Board use FRB
Bolivian National Liberation Army use ELN
Bolivian National Mining Corporation or Corporacion Minera De Bolivia use���� COMIBOL
Bonn Quadripartite Group use BQG
Bonngroup use BQG
BOS use for Southern Opposition Block
BP-1 use for British Petroleum Company
BQG use for Berlin Quadripartite Group
BQG use for Bonn Quadripartite Group
BQG use for Bonngroup
Brazilian State Owned Oil Company use Petrobras
British Airways
British Broadcasting Company use BBC
British Civil Aviation Authority use CAA
British Petroleum Company use BP
British West Indies Airline use BWIA
Bundesbank use for Central Bank of the FRG
Bureau of International Expositions use BIE
Bureau of Labor Statistics use BLS
Burma Inc
Brussels Airlines use SN
CA use for Air China
CAA use for British Civil Aviation Authority
CAAC use for Civil Aviation Authority for China
CACM use for Central American Common Market
Candadian Airlines use CP
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation use CBC
CAPC use for Civil Aviation Planning Committee (NATO)
CARE use for Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere, Inc
Caribbean Community use CARICOM
Caribbean Development Bank use CDB
Caribbean Postal Unit use CPU
Cathay Pacific use CX
Catholic Relief Services use CRS
CBC use for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
CBS use for Columbia Broadcasting System
CCC-1 use for Commodity Credit Corporation
CCC-3 use for Customs Cooperation Council
CCIR use for International Radio Consultative Committee
CCITT use for International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee
CCMS use for Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society
CCNAA use for Coordinating Council for North American Affairs
CCPCJ:� Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
CCUS use for Chamber of Commerce of the US
CDB use for Caribbean Development Bank
CDC use for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CDG (Formerly CCD Until Jan 1980), use for Committee on Disarmament������� Conference of Committee on Disarmament
CDI use for Christian Democratic International
CDU use for Christian Democratic Union
CEA use for Council of Economic Advisers
CEAC use for Committee on European Airspace Coordination
CEC use for Commission of the European Communities
CEMA use for CMEA
CEMA use for Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
Center for Strategic and International Studies use CSIS
Central African Customs and Economic Union use UDEAC
Central American Common Market use CACM
Central American Defense Council use CONDECA
Central Bank of the FRG use Bundesbank
Central Identification Lab use CIL
Central Intelligence Agency use CIA
CEP use for Civil Emergency Planning Committee Senior Civil Emergency Planning Committee
CEQ use for Council on Environmental Quality
Chamber of Commerce of the US use CCUS
Chase Manhattan
Chemical Bank
Chemical Weapons Convention use CWC
China Airlines (Taiwan)
Christian Democratic International use CDI
Christian Democratic Party in Italy use DC
Christian Democratic Union use CDU
China Eastern Airlines use MU
China Southern Airlines use CZ
Christian Science Monitor
Christian Social Union use CSU
Church World Service use CWS
CIA use for Central Intelligence Agency
CIEC use for Inter-American Council on Education Science and Culture
CIL use for Central Identification Lab
CIME use for Committee on Investments and Multi-National Enterprise Center
CIP use for Council on International Programs
CIPEC use for Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting Countries
CIS use for Commonwealth of Independent States
CITEL use for Inter-American Telecommunications Commissions
CITES use for Convention on International Trade on Endangered Species
CITIBANK use for First National City Bank of New York
Civil Aeronautics Board (Defunct 12/31/84)
Civil Aviation Authority for China use CAAC
Civil Aviation Planning Committee (NATO) use CAPC
Civil Emergency Planning Committee use CEP
CM use for Copa Airlines
CND use for UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs
Coca Cola
COE use for Council of Europe
Colombo Plan Secretariat use CPS
Columbia Broadcasting System use CBS
COM use for Department of Commerce
COMIBOL use for Bolivian National Mining Corporation or Corporacion Minera DeBolivia
Commission of the European Communities use CEC
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice use CCPCJ
Commission on Transnational Corps (UN) use UNTNC
Committee for Scientific and Technical Personnel use CSTP
Committee for the Protection for New Varieties of Plants use UPOV
Committee on Contributions (UN) use CONTRIB
Committee on Disarmament use CDG
Committee on European Airspace Coordination use CEAC
Committee on Investments and Multi-National Enterprise use CIME
Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society use CCMS
Commodity Credit Corporation use CCC-1
Commonwealth of Independent States use CIS
Communaute Economique Europeene use EUN
Communicable Diseases Center use CDC
Comptroller General of US use GAO
CONDECA use for Central American Defense Council
Conference of Committee on Disarmament use CDG
CONOCO use for Continental Oil Company
Contadora Four
Continental Airlines
Continental Oil Company use CONOCO
CONTRIB use for UN Committee on Contributions
Control Data
Convention on International Trade on Endangered Species use CITES
Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere, Inc. use CARE
Coordinating Council for North American Affairs use CCNAA
Copa Airlines use CM
Corporacion Minera De Bolivia AKA Bolivian National Mining Corporation use COMIBOL
COSEP use for Superior Council of the Private Sector Groups in Nicaragua
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance use CEMA
Council of Economic Advisers use CEA
Council of Europe use COE
Council on Environmental Quality use CEQ
Council on International Programs use CIP
Council on Mutual Economic Assistance use CEMA
CP use for Canadian Airlines
CPC use for UN Committee for Program and Coordination
CPS use for Colombo Plan Secretariat
CPSU use for Communist Party in the USSR
CPU use for Caribbean Postal Unit
Credentials Committee (UN) use UNCRED
Crime Prevention Control Committee (UN) use UNCRIME
Croatia Airlines use OU
CRS use for Catholic Relief Services
CSD use for UN Commission on Sustainable Development
CSIS use for Center for Strategic and International Studies
CSTP use for Committee for Scientific and Technical Personnel
CSU use for Christian Social Union
CTBTO use for policy coordination and cooperation cables in sessions of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
CTM use for Customs
Cubana Airlines
Customs use CTM
Customs Cooperation Council use CCC-3
CWC use for Chemical Weapons Convention
CWS use for Church World Service
CX use for Cathay Pacific
CY use for Cyprus Airways
Cyprus Airways use CY
CZ use for China Southern Airlines
Czech Airlines use OK
DAC use for Development Assistance Committee (OECD)
DC use for Christian Democratic Party in Italy
DCA use for Defense Communication Agency
DCI use for Defense Capabilities Initiative
DEA use for Drug Enforcement Administration
Defense Capabilities Initiative use DCI
Defense Communication Agency use DCA
Defense Intelligence Agency use DIA
Defense Planning Commission use DPC
Delta Air Lines
Democratic Popular Unity use UPD
Democratic Progressive Party use DPP
Department of Agriculture use AGR
Department of Commerce use COM
Department of Defense use DOD
Department of Education use ED
Department of Energy use DOE
Department of Health and Human Services use HHS
Department of Homeland Security use DHS
Department of Housing and Urban Development use HUD
Department of Justice use JUS
Department of Labor use LAB
Department of the Interior use INT
Department of the Treasury use TRSY
Department of Transportation use DOT
Development Assistance Committee (OECD) use DAC
DHS use for Department of Homeland Security
DIA use for Defense Intelligence Agency
Digital Equipment Disaster Relief Coordinator (UN) use UNDRO
Disengagement Observer Force (UN) use UNDOF
DJP use for Ruling Democratic Justice Party
DOD use for Department of Defense
DOE use for Department of Energy
DOT use for Department of Transportation
Dow Chemical
DPC use for Defense Planning Commission
DPP use for Democratic Progressive Party
DPR use for Office of Policy and Resources
Drug Enforcement Administration use DEA
DY use for Norwegian Air Shuttle
EAC use for East African Community
EAL use for Ethiopian Airlines
EALG use for East Asian Liaison Group
EAPC use for Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
East African Community use EAC
East Asian Liaison Group use EALG
EBRD use for European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
ECA use for Economic Commission for Africa (UN), UN Economic Commission for Africa
ECAC use for European Civil Aviation Conference
ECDC use for Economic Cooperation and Development Committee
ECE use for UN Economic Commission for Europe
ECG use for Energy Coordinating Group
ECLAC use for CEPAL, UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
ECMT use for European Conference of Ministers of Transport
Economic and Development Review Committee in OECD use EDRC
Economic and Soc Commission for Asia and Pacific use ESCAP
Economic and Social Council (UN) use ECOSOC
Economic Commission for Africa (UN) use ECA
Economic Commission for Europe (UN) use ECE
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN) use ECLAC
Economic Commission for Western Asia use ECWA
Economic Committee (UNGA) use UNGA/C-2
Economic Community of West African States use ECOWAS
Economic Cooperation and Development Comt use ECDC
Economic Policy Committee (OECD) use EPC
ECOSOC use for UN Economic and Social Council, UNECOSOC
ECOWAS use for Economic Community of West African States
ECWA use for UN Economic Commission for Western Asia
ED use for Department of Education
EDC use for Export Development Corporation
EDRC use for Economic and Development Review Committee
EDU use for European Democratic Union
EEOC use for Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EFTA use for European Free Trade Association
EK use for Emirates
EL AL use for Israeli Airlines
El Salvador Airlines (TACA International) use TACA
ELF use for Eritrean Liberation Front
ELN use for Bolivian National Liberation Army
Energy Coordinating Group use ECG
Environment Program (UN) use UNEP
Environmental Protection Agency use EPA
EP use for European Parliament
EPA use for Environmental Protection Agency
EPC use for Economic Policy Committee (OECD)
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission use EEOC
Eritrean Liberation Front use ELF
ESA use for European Space Agency
ESCAP use for UN Econ and Soc Commission for Asia and Pacific
ESDI use for European Security and Defense Identity
ETA use for Basque Terrorist Group
Ethiopian Airlines use EAL
Etihad Airways use EY
EUN use for Communaute Economique Europeene
EUN use for European Atomic Energy Community
EUN use for European Common Market
EUN use for European Communities
EUN use for European Economic Community
EUN use for European Union
EUN use for Marche Commun European
Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council use EAPC
EUROCONTROL use for European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation
European Atomic Energy Community use EUN
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development use EBRD
European Civil Aviation Conference use ECAC
European Command use EUCOM
European Common Market use EUN
European Communities use EUN
European Conference of Ministers of Transport use ECMT
European Democratic Union use EDU
European Economic Community AKA European Common Market use EUN
European Free Trade Association AKA Outer Seven AKA The Seven use EFTA
European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation use EUROCONTROL
European Parliament use EP
European Security and Defense Identity use ESDI
European Space Agency use ESA
European Union use EUN
EXIM use for Export Import Bank
EXIM use for Export Import Bank of the United States
Export Development Corporation use EDC
Export Import Bank use EXIM
Export Import Bank of US use EXIM
EY use for Etihad Airways
F9 use for Frontier
FAA use for Federal Aviation Administration
FAO use for Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
FAPC use for Food and Agriculture Planning Committee
FAPLA use for Forcas Armadas Para A Liberacao De Angola
FARC use for Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionaria
FAS use for Foreign Agriculture Service (Dept. of Agriculture)
FBI use for Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBIS use for Foreign Broadcast Information Service
FCC use for Federal Communications Commission
FCIA use for Federal Credit Insurance Association
FCSC use for Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States
FDA use for Food and Drug Administration (HHS)
FDN Democratic Revolutionary Front in El Salvador
FDIC use for Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
FDR Guerrilla Group in El Salvador
Federal Aviation Administration use FAA
Federal Bureau of Investigation use FBI
Federal Communications Commission use FCC
Federal Credit Insurance Association use FCIA
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. use FDIC
Federal Emergency Management Admin use FEMA
Federal Highway Administration use FHWA
Federal Power Commission use FPC
Federal Reserve Board use FRB
Federal Trade Commission use FTC
FEMA use for Federal Emergency Management Administration
FHWA use for Federal Highway Administration
Financial Management Center
FINNAIR use for National Airline of Finland
First National City Bank of New York use CITIBANK
Fish and Wildlife Service use FWS
FL use for AirTran Airways
FLN use for Algerian National Liberation Front, National Army of Liberation (Algeria)
FMC use for Federal Maritime Commission
FMLN use for Farabundo Marti Liberacion Nacional
FNLA use for National Front for the Liberation of Angola
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN use FAO
Food and Drug Administration (HHS) use FDA
Food and Agriculture Planning Committee in NATO use FAPC
Forcas Armadas Para A Liberacao De Angola use FAPLA
Foreign Agriculture Service (Agriculture) use FAS
Foreign Broadcast Information Service use FBIS
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the US use FCSC
FPC use for Federal Power Commission
FR use for Ryanair
FRB use for Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
FRB use for Federal Reserve Board
Free Trade Union Institute use FTUI
FRELIMO (Leading Angolan Political Party)
Frontier use F9
FSCADP use for FSC Paris ADP Center
FSLN use for Sandinistas National Liberation Front
FTC use for Federal Trade Commission
FTUI use for Free Trade Union Institute
Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionaria use FARC
Fund for Agricultural Development use IFAD
FV use for Rossiva
FWS use for Fish and Wildlife Service
G3 use for Gol Transportes Aereos
G-77 use for Group of Seventy-Seven
G-8 use for Group of 8
GA use for Garuda Indonesia
GAO use for Government Accountability Office
GATT use for General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GCC use for Gulf Cooperation Council
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade use GATT
General Assembly (UN) use UNGA
General Electric
General Motors use for GM
General Services Administration use GSA
General Tire
GF use for Gulf Air
GM-1 use for General Motors
Gol Transporetes Aereos use G3
Government Accountability Office use GAO
Government Printing Office use GPO
GPO use for Government Printing Office
Green Party use GREENS
Greenpeace Environmental Group
GREENS use for Green Party
Group of Eight use G-8
Group of Seventy-Seven use G-77
GSA use for General Services Administration
Gulf Air use GF
Gulf Cooperation Council use GCC
HA use for Hawaiian Airlines
Hague Conference on Private Intl Law use HCOPIL
Hainan Airlines use HU
Hawaiian Airlines use HA
HCOC: Hague Code of Conduct Against Ballistic Missile Proliferations
HCOPIL use for Hague Conference on Private Intl Law
Health and Human Services use HHS
HHS use for Department of Health and Human Services
Histadrut Israeli Labor Union
HKA use for Hong Kong Airlines
Hong Kong Airlines use HKA
HU use for Hainan Airlines
HUD use for Department of Housing and Urban Development
Hughes Aircraft
Human Rights Commission (UN) use UNHRC
Human Rights Committee (UN) use UNHRC-2
Human Settlements Commission (UN) use UNCHS
IA-ECOSOC use for Inter-American Economic and Social Council
IACI use for Inter-American Children’s Institute
IACW use for Inter-American Commission of Women
IADB use for Inter-American Defense Board
IAEA use for International Atomic Energy Agency
IAF use for Inter-American Foundation
IAHRC use for Inter-American Human Rights Commission
IAII use for Inter-American Indian Institute
IAJC use for Inter-American Juridical Committee (OAS)
IARC use for International Agency for Research on Cancer
IATA use for International Air Transport Association
IATTC use for Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
IBC use for International Boundary Commission United States and Canada
Iberia Airlines
IBM use for International Business Machines
IBPCA use for International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration
IBPCT use for Bureau for the Publication of Customs Tariffs
IBRD use for International Bank for Reconstruction, World Bank
IBWC use for International Boundary and Water Commission United States and Mexico
IBWM use for International Bureau of Weights and Measures
ICAC use for International Cotton Advisory Committee
ICAF use for Industrial College of the Armed Forces
ICAO use for International Civil Aviation Organization
ICASS use for International Cooperative Administrative Support Services
ICBL use for The International Campaign to Ban Landmines
ICC use for Interstate Commerce Commission
ICCAT use for International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
ICCROM use for International Center for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
Iceland Air
ICES use for International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
ICFTU use for International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
ICJ use for International Court of Justice
ICMC use for International Catholic Migration Commission
ICO use for International Coffee Organization
ICO-1 use for International Cocoa Organization
ICRC use for International Committee of the Red Cross
ICSC use for Interim Committee on Communication Satellites
ICSID use for International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
ICTR use for International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
ICTY use for International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
IDA use for International Development Association
IDB use for Banco Interamericano de Desarollo, Inter-American Development Bank
IDLO use for International Development Law Organization
IEA use for International Energy Agency
IFAD use for Fund for Agricultural Development, International Fund for Agriculture Development
IFC use for International Finance Corporation
IFRB use for International Frequency Registration Board
IFRC use for International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
IHO use for International Hydrographic Organization
IIC use for International Institute for Cotton
IICA use for Inter-American Institute of Agriculture
IJC use for International Joint Commission
IJO use for International Jute Organization
ILA use for International Law Association
ILC use for International Law Commission
ILO use for International Labor Organization
ILZSG use for International Lead and Zinc Study Group
IMC use for International Meteorological Committee
IMF use for International Monetary Fund
IMH use for International Mission of Hope
Immigration and Naturalization Service use INS
IMO use for International Maritime Organization
INCB use for International Narcotics Control Board
Industrial College of the Armed Forces use ICAF
INFCE use for International Nuclear Cycle Evaluation
INMARSAT use for International Maritime Satellite
INPFC use for International North Pacific Fisheries Commission
INRA use for National Institute for Agrarian Reform
INRO use for International Natural Rubber Organization
INS use for Immigration and Naturalization Service
INT use for Department of the Interior
INTELSAT use for International Telecomsatellite Consort
Inter-American Children’s Institute use IACI
Inter-American Commission of Women use IACW
Inter-American Council on Education Science and Culture use CIEC
Inter-American Defense Board use IADB
Inter-American Development Bank AKA Banco Interamericano de Desarollo in Washington, not a UN activity use IDB
Inter-American Economic and Social Council use IA-ECOSOC
Inter-American Foundation use IAF
Inter-American Human Rights Commission use IAHRC
Inter-American Indian Institute use IAII
Inter-American Institute of Agriculture use IICA
Inter-American Juridical Committee (OAS) use IAJC
Inter-American Regional Organization of the ICFTU use ORIT-ICFTU
Inter-American Telecommunications Commission use CITEL
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission use IATTC
Intergovernmental Committee for Migration use IOM
Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting Countries use CIPEC
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission use IOC
Interim Committee on Communications Satellites use ICSC
Internal Revenue Service use IRS
International Agency for Research on Cancer use IARC
International Air Transport Association use IATA
International Atomic Energy Agency use IAEA
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, a Specialized Agency of the UN use IBRD
International Boundary and Water Commission United States and Mexico use IBWC
International Boundary Commission United States and Canada use IBC
International Bureau for the Publication of Customs Tariffs use IBPCT
International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration use IBPCA
International Bureau of Weights and Measures use IBWM
International Business Machines use IBM
International Catholic Migration Commission use ICMC
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes use ICSID
International Center for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property use ICCROM
International Civil Aviation Organization, a specialized agency of the UN use ICAO
International Cocoa Organization use ICO-1
International Coffee Organization use ICO
International Committee of the Red Cross use ICRC
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions use ICFTU
International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas use ICCAT
International Cooperative Administrative Support Services (ICASS)
International Cooperation Administration use AID
International Cotton Advisory Committee use ICAC
International Council for the Exploration of the SEA use ICES
International Court of Justice use ICJ
International Criminal Police Organization use INTERPOL
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda use ICTR
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia use ICTY
International Development Association Administered by the IBRD use IDA
International Development Law Organization use IDLO
International Energy Agency use IEA
International Federation of Christian Trade Unions use WCL
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies use IFRC
International Finance Corporation in Washington, an affiliate of IBRD but a separate legal entity use IFC
International Frequency Registration Board use IFRB
International Fund for Agriculture Development use IFAD
International Hydrographic Organization use IHO
International Institute for Cotton use IIC
International Institute for the Unification of Private Law use UNIDROIT
International Joint Commission U.S.-Canada use IJC
International Jute Organization use IJO
International Labor Organization—specialized agency of the UN use ILO
International Law Association use ILA
International Law Commission use ILC
International Lead and Zinc Study Group use ILZSG
International Maritime Organization use IMO
International Maritime Satellite use INMARSAT
International Meteorological Committee use IMC
International Mission of Hope use IMH
International Monetary Fund in Washington—Related to the UN use IMF
International Narcotics Control Board use INCB
International Natural Rubber Organization use INRO
International North Pacific Fisheries Commission use INPFC
International Nuclear Cycle Evaluation use INFCE
International Office of Epizootics use OIE
International Office of the Vine and Wine use IOVW
International Olympic Committee use OIC-2
International Organization for Legal Metrology use IOLM
International Organization for Migration use IOM
International Pacific Halibut Commission U.S. and Canada use IPHC
International Program for Development of Communications use IPDC
International Radio Consultative Committee use CCIR
International Red Cross use IRC-3
International Renewable Energy Agency use IRENA
International Rescue Committee use IRC-2
International Research and Exchange Board use IREX
International Rice Commission use IRC
International Rubber Study Group use IRSG
International Seed Testing Association use ISTA
International Sugar Organization use ISO
International Telecommunication Union—specialized agency of the UN use ITU
International Telecomsatellite Consort use INTELSAT
International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee use CCITT
International Telephone & Telegraph Company use ITT
International Tin Council
International Trade Commission use ITC
International Tropical Timber Organization use ITTO
International Union for Conservation of Nature use IUCN
International Whaling Commission use IWC-1
International Wheat Council use IWC-2
International Wool Study Group use IWSG
International Youth Conference use IYC
Interparliamentary Union use IPU
INTERPOL use for International Criminal Police Organization
Interstate Commerce Commission use ICC
IOC use for Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
IOLM use for International Organization for Legal Metrology
IOM use for International Organization for Migration
IOVW use for International Office of the Vine and Wine
IPDC use for International Program for Development of Communications
IPHC use for International Pacific Halibut Commission
IPU use for Interparliamentary Union
IRA use for Irish Republican Army
Iran Air
IRC use for International Rice Commission
IRC-2 use for International Rescue Committee
IRC-3 use for International Red Cross
IRENA use for International Renewable Energy Agency
IREX use for International Research and Exchange Board
Irish Airline use Aer Lingus
Irish Republican Army use IRA
IRS use for Internal Revenue Service
IRSG use for International Rubber Study Group
ISCON use for Islamic Conference
Islamic Conference use ISCON
Islamic Jihad (Terrorist Group)
ISO use for International Sugar Organization
Israeli Airlines use EL AL
ISTA use for International Seed Testing Association
IT use for Kingfisher Airlines
Italian Airline (Alitalia Compagnia Aerea Italiana) use Alitalia
Italian Communist Party use PCI
Italian Socialist Party use PSI
ITC use for International Trade Commission
ITT use for International Telephone and Telegraph Company
ITTO use for International Tropical Timber Organization
ITU use for International Telecommunication Union
IUCN use for International Union for Conservation of Nature
IWC-1 use for International Whaling Commission
IWC-2 use for International Wheat Council
IWSG use for International Wool Study Group
IYC use for International Youth Conference
JAL use for Japan Air Lines
Jamaica Labor Party use JLP
Japan Airlines use JAL
JAT use for Serbian Airline (JAT Airways)
JCIC use for Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission
JDL use for Jewish Defense League
Jet Airways use 9W
Jet Blue use B6
Jewish Defense League use JDL
JJ use for TAM Airlines (Brazil)
JLP use for Jamaica Labor Party
Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission use JCIC
JP use for Spanair
JUS use for Department of Justice
KAL use for Korean National Airlines (Korean Air)
KANU use for Kenya African National Union
Kenya Airways use KQ
Kenya African National Union use KANU
KF use for Blue1
Khmer Peoples National Liberation Front use KPNLF
Kingfisher Airlines use IT
KL use for KLM
KLM use KL
KM use for Air Malta
KOC use for Kuwait Oil Company
Korean National Airlines use KAL (Korean Air)
KPNLF use for Khmer Peoples National Liberation Front
KQ use for Kenya Airways
Kuomintang or Nationalist Party use KMT
Kuwait Oil Company use KOC
LA use for LAN
LAB use for Department of Labor
LAN use LA
Latin American Economic System use SELA
LBAR use for Board of Appellate Review
LDP use for Liberal Democratic Party
League of Red Cross Societies use IFRC
Legal Committee (UNGA) use UNGA/C-6
Liberal Democratic Party use LDP
Library of Congress use LOC
LOC use for Library of Congress
LOS use for UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
LOT use for Polish National Airlines (LOT Polish Airlines)
LX use Swiss International Air Lines
MA use for Malev
MAB use for The Man and the Biosphere Program
Maintenance of Certain Lights in the Red Sea use MCLRS
Malaysia Airlines use MH
Maley use MA
Man and the Biosphere Program (The) use MAB
Manufacturers Hanover Trust
MARAD use for U.S. Maritime Administration
Marche Commun European use EUN
MAS use for Military Agency for Standardization
MCC use for Millennium Challenge Corporation
McDonnell Douglas
MCG use for Mediterranean Cooperation Group (NATO)
MCLRS use for Maintenance of Certain Lights in the Red Sea
MEA use for Middle East Airlines
Mediterranean Cooperation Group (NATO) use MCG
Mexicana Airlines
MF use Xiamen Airlines
MFO use for Multinational Force Observers
MH use for Malaysia Airlines
Middle East Airlines use MEA
MIGA use for Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
Military Agency for Standardization use MAS
Millennium Challenge Corporation use MCC
MINURSO use for UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara
MIR use for Leftist Revolutionary Movement in Bolivia
Missile Technology Control Regime use MTCRE
MNLF use for Moro National Liberation Front
MNR National Revolutionary Movement in El Salvador
MONUC use for UN Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Moro National Liberation Front use MNLF
Morgan Guarantee
Motion Picture Export Association of America use MPEAA
Movement of the Deprived—Sh’a Muslim Militia Organization use AMAL
MPEAA use for Motion Picture Export Association of America
MPLA use for Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola
MTCRE use for Missile Technology Control Regime
MTN use for Multilateral Trade Negotiations
MU use for China Eastern Airlines
Multilateral Trade Negotiations use MTN
Multinational Force Observers use MFO
NAA use for North Atlantic Assembly
NAC use for North Atlantic Council
NACB use for Nonaligned Coordinating Bureau
NADB use for North American Development Bank
NAFO use for Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
NAMSA use for NATO Management Supply Agency
Narcotics Commission (UN) use UNCND
NAS use for National Academy of Sciences (US)
NASA use for National Aeronautics and Space Admin
NASCO use for North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization
NATO-Ukraine Commission use NUC
National Academy of Sciences (US) use NAS
National Aeronautics and Space Admin use NASA
National Airline of Finland use FINNAIR
National Airlines
National Archives
National Army of Liberation (Algeria) use FLN
National Bipartisan Comm on Central America use NBCCA
National Broadcasting Company use NBC
National Bureau of Standards use NBS
National Council of Churches
National Defense University use NDU
National Endowment for Democracy
National Energy Board use NEB
National Front for the Liberation of Angola use FNLA
National Gallery of Art use NGA
National Institute for Agrarian Reform use INRA
National Institute of Health use NIH
National Institute on Drug Abuse use NIDA
National Iranian Oil Company use NIOC
National League of Families
National Marine Fisheries Services use NMFS
National Oceanographic and Atmosphere Agency use NOAA
National Peoples Congress use NPC
National Research Council (US) use NRC-5
National Science Foundation use NSF
National Security Agency use NSA
National Security Council use NSC
National Technical Information Service use NTIS
National Telecommunications and Information Administration use NTIA
National Transportation Safety Board use NTSB
National Union for Total Independence in Angola use UNITA
National War College use NWC
NATO use for North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NATO Industrial Advisory Group use NIAG
NATO Integrated Communications Systems use NICSMA
NATO Led Peacekeeping Forces in Kosovo use PKFK
NATO Led Stabilization Forces in Bosnia-Herzegovina use SFOR
NATO Management Supply Agency use NAMSA
NBC use for National Broadcasting Company
NBCCA use for National Bipartisan Comm on Central America
NBS use for National Bureau of Standards
NDR use for Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance
NDU use for National Defense University
NEB use for National Energy Board
New Korean Democratic Party use NKDP
NGA use for National Gallery of Art
NH use for ANA
NIAG use for NATO Industrial Advisory Group
Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance use NDR
NICSMA use for NATO Integrated Communications Systems
NIDA use for National Institute on Drug Abuse
Nigerian National Petroleum Corp use NNPC
NIH use for National Institute of Health
NIOC use for National Iranian Oil Company
Nippon Cargo Airlines
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp use NTT
NKDP use for New Korean Democratic Party
NMFS use for National Marine Fisheries Services
NNPC use for Nigerian National Petroleum Corp
NNRRC use for National and Nuclear Risk Reduction Center
NOAA use for National Oceanographic and Atmosphere Agency
Nonaligned Coordinating Bureau use NACB
Nordic Council
North Atlantic Assembly use NAA
North Atlantic Council use NAC
North Atlantic Ice Patrol
North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization use NASCO
North Atlantic Treaty Organization use NATO
North Pacific Fur Seal Commission use NPFSC
North Pacific Marine Science Organization use PICES
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization use NAFO
Norwegian Air Shuttle use DY
NPC use for National Peoples Congress
NPFSC use for North Pacific Fur Seal Commission
NPG use for Nuclear Planning Group NATO
NRC-5 use for National Research Council (US)
NSA use for National Security Agency
NSG: Nuclear Suppliers Group
NSC use for National Security Council
NSF use for National Science Foundation
NTIA use for National Telecommunications and Information Administration
NTIS use for National Technical Information Service
NTSB use for National Transportation Safety Board
NTT use for Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp
NUC use for NATO-Ukraine Commission
Nuclear Energy Agency
Nuclear Planning Group NATO use NPG
Nuclear Regulatory Commission use USNRC
Nuclear Risk Reduction Center use NRRC
NWC use for National War College
OAPEC use for Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
OAS use for Organization of American States
Occupational Safety and Health Administration use OSHA
OECD use for Organisation de Cooperation et de Development Economiques
OECD use for Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris
OECS use for Organization of Eastern Caribbean States
Office of Management and Budget Formerly Bureau of the Budget use OMB
Office of Micronesian Status Negotiations use OMSN
Office of Personnel Management use OPM
Office of Policy and Resources use DPR
Office of Science and Technology Policy use OSTP
Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations use USTR
Office of UN Disaster Relief use UNDRO
OIC-2 use for International Olympic Committee
OIE use for International Office of Epizootics
OK use for Czech Airlines
OMB use for Office of Management and Budget
OMSN use for Office of Micronesian Status Negotiations
Onsight Inspection Agency use OSIA
OPEC use for Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPIC use for Overseas Private Investment Corporation
OPM use for Office of Personnel Management
Organisation de Cooperation et de Development Economiques use OECD
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe use OSCE
Organizacion Regional Interamericana de Trabajadores use ORIT-ICFTU
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris use OECD
Organization of African Union Unity use OATU
Organization of African Unity use OAU
Organization of American States use OAS
Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries use OAPEC
Organization of Eastern Caribbean States use OECS
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries use OPEC
ORIT-ICFTU use for Inter-American Regional Organization of the ICFTU, Organizacion Regional Interamericana de Trabajadores
OS use for Australian Airlines
OSCE use for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
OSHA use for Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSIA use for Onsight Inspection Agency
OSTP use for Office of Science and Technology Policy
OU use for Croatia Airlines
Outer Space Committee (UN) use UNPUOS
Overseas Private Investment Corporation use OPIC
OVP use for Office of the Vice President
OZ use for Asiana Airlines
PAC use for Pan Africanist Congress
Pacific Community use SPC
Pacific Island Forum use PIF
PAHO use for Pan American Health Organization
PAIGH use for Pan American Institute of Geography and History
Pakistan Peoples Party use PPP
Pakistani Airlines use PIA (Pakistan International Airlines)
PAL use for Philippine Airlines
Palestine Liberation Organization use PLO
Palestinian National Council use PNC
PAN use for Partido Accion Nacional
Pan Africanist Congress use PAC
Pan American Health Organization in Washington use PAHO
Pan American Institute of Geography and History use PAIGH
Pan American Railway Congress Association in Buenos Aires use PARCA
Panama Canal Commission use PCC
PARCA use for Pan American Railway Congress Association
Partido Accion Nacional use PAN
Partido Revolucionario Institucional use PRI
Partnership for Peace (NATO) use PFP
Party for Peace and Democracy use PPD
PBEIST use for Planning Board for European Inland Surface Transportation
PBOS use for Planning Board on Ocean Shipping
PBS use for Public Broadcasting System
PCC use for Panama Canal Commission
PCI use for Italian Communist Party
PDC use for Christian Democratic Party in El Salvador
PEMEX use for Petroleas Mexicanos
Peoples National Party use PNP
Permanent Joint Council, NATO-Russia use PJC
PETROBRAS use for Brazilian State Owned Oil Company
Petroleas Mexicanos use PEMEX
PFLP use for Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine
PFP use for Partnership for Peace (NATO)
Phalange Party use for Political Party in Lebanon
Philippine Airlines use PAL
Phillips Petroleum
PHS use for Public Health Service
PIA use for Pakistani Airlines (Pakistan International Airlines)
PICES use for North Pacific Marine Science Organization
PIF use for Pacific Island Forum
PJC use for Permanent Joint Council, NATO-Russia
PKFK use for NATO Led Peacekeeping Forces in Kosovo
PLA use for Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Army
Planning Board for European Inland Surface Transportation use PBEIST
Planning Board on Ocean Shipping use PBOS
PLN use for National Liberation Front in Costa Rica
PLO use for Palestine Liberation Organization
PNC use for Palestinian National Council
PNDC use for Provisional National Defense Council
PNP use for People’s National Party
Political Committee (UNGA) use UNGA/C-1
Political Party in Lebanon use Phalange Party
Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine use PFLP
Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola use MPLA
Population Commission (UN) use UNPOP
Population Fund (UN) use UNFPA
Portugal use TAP
Post Communications Center
Postal Union of the Americas, Spain and Portugal use PUASP
PPD use for Party for Peace and Democracy
PPP use for Pakistan Peoples’ Party
PRI use for Partido Revolucionario Institucional
Project Hope
Provisional National Defense Council use PNDC
PSD use for Social Democratic Party in Portugal
PSI use for Italian Socialist Party
PSOE use for Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party
PUASP use for Postal Union of the Americas, Spain and Portugal
Public Broadcasting System use PBS
Public Health Service use PHS
Qantas Airways use QANTAS
QANTAS use for Qantas Airways
Qatar Airways use QR
QR use for Qatar Airways
Radio Free Europe use RFE
Radio Liberty use RL
Radio Marti
Railroad Retirement Board use RRB
RDP use for Reunification Democracy Party
Red Brigade
Red Cross use IRC-3
Refugee High Commissioner (UN) use UNHCR
RENAMO use for Resistencia Nacional Mocambicana
Resistencia Nacional Mocambicana use RENAMO
Reunification Democracy Party use RDP
Revolutionary Democratic Alliance use ARDE
RFE use for Radio Free Europe
RL use for Radio Liberty
RO use for TAROM
Rockwell International
Rolls Royce
Rossiya use FY
Royal Air Maroc use AT
Royal Dutch Airlines use KLM
Royal Jordanian Airline use ALIA
RRB use for Railroad Retirement Board
Ruling Democratic Justice Party use DJP
S7 use for S7 Airlines (Siberian)
SA use for South African Airways
SAARC use for South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
Sandinistas National Liberation Front use FSLN
SAS use for Scandinavian Airlines
Saudi Arabian Airlines use SV
SBA use for Small Business Administration
Scandinavian Airlines use SAS
SCC use for Standing Consultative Commission
SCEPC use for Senior Civil Emergency Planning Committee
SDFCU use for State Department Federal Credit Union
SEC use for Securities and Exchange Commission
Secretariat of the Pacific Community use SPC
Securities and Exchange Commission use SEC
SELA use for Latin American Economic System
Senior Civil Emergency Planning Committee use SCEPC
Serbian Airline use JAT (JAT Airways)
SFOR use for NATO Led Stabilization Forces in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Shenzhen Airlines use ZH
Singapore Airlines
Sinn Fein Political Arm of the IRA
Small Business Administration use SBA
SMI use for Smithsonian Institution
Smith and Wesson
Smithsonian Institution use SMI
SN use for Brussels Airlines
Social Committee (UNGA) use UNGA/C-3
Social Security Administration use SSA
Social Union Mexican Businessmen use USEM
Socialist International use SOCINT
SOCINT use for Socialist International
South African Airways use SA
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation use SAARC
Southern Opposition Block use BOS
Southwest use WN
Southwest Africa Peoples Organization use SWAPO
Soviet Airline use AEROFLOT
Soviet Intelligence Service use KGB
Spanair use JK
Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party use PSOE
SPC use for Pacific Community
SPD use for Social Democratic Party in FRG and UK
Special Session on Disarmament (UN) use SSOD
Special Tribunal for Lebanon use STL
Special Verification Commission use SVC
SPLM use for Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement
SriLankan use UL
SSA use for Social Security Administration
Standing Consultative Commission use SCC
STAT use for Statistical Commission (UN)
State Dept Federal Credit Union use SDFCU
Statistical Commission (UN) use STAT
Status of Women Commission (UN) use UNCSW
STL use for Special Tribunal for Lebanon
Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Army use SPLA
Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement use SPLM
SV use for Saudi Arabian Airlines
SVC use for Special Verification Commission
Sverdrup Corp
SWAPO use for Southwest Africa Peoples’ Organization
Swiss International Airlines use LX
TACA El Salvador Airlines (TACA International)
TAM Airlines use JJ
TAP Portugal
TAPLINE use for Trans Arabian Pipeline Company
Tariff Negotiating Committee (GATT) use TNC
TASS Soviet News Agency
TDB use for Trade and Development Board
Tennessee Valley Authority use TVA
Terrorism Committee (UN) use UNTERR
Texas Instruments
TG use for Thai Airways International
TGC use for Tripartite Gold Commission
Thai Airways International use TG
THY Turkish Airlines
Tigrean Peoples Liberation Front use TPLF
TNC use for Tariff Negotiating Committee (GATT)
Toumai Air Tchad use Air Chad
TPLF use for Tigrean Peoples Liberation Front
Trade and Development Board use TDB
Trade Union Advisory Committee (OECD) use TUAC
Trade Union Conference use TUC
Trans Arabian Pipeline Company use TAPLINE
Transaero use UN
Transnational Corporation Commission (UN) use UNTNC
Transportation Security Administration use TSA
Trilateral Commission
Tripartite Gold Commission use TGC
TRSY use for Department of the Treasury
Trusteeship Committee (UNGA) use UNGA/C-4
Trusteeship Council use UNTC
TSA use for Transportation Security Administration
TU use for Tunisair
TUAC use for Trade Union Advisory Committee (OECD)
TUC use for Trade Union Conference
Turkish Airlines use THY
TVA use for Tennessee Valley Authority
UANC use for United African National Congress
UAW use for United Auto Workers
UCD use for United Democratic Center
UDEAC use for Central African Customs and Economic Union
UIL use for Italian Labor Union
UL use for SriLankan
UMNO use for United Malays National Organization
UMOA use for Union Monetaire Ouest Africaine, West African Monetary Union
UN use for United Nations
UN use for Transaero
UN Advisory Committee on Administration & Budget Question use ACABQ
UN Association of the United States of America use UNAUS
UN Border Relief Operations use UNBRO
UN Children’s Fund use UNICEF
UN Command in Korea use UNC
UN Commission on Human Settlements use UNCHS
UN Commission on International Trade Law use UNCITRAL
UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs use CND
UN Commission on Social Development use UNCSD
UN Commission on Sustainable Development use CSD
UN Commission on Status of Women use UNCSW
UN Commission on Transnational Corps use UNTNC
UN Committee for Program and Coordination use CPC
UN Committee on Contributions use CONTRIB
UN Committee on Hostages Convention use UNCHC
UN Committee on International Terrorism use UNTERR
UN Conference on Trade and Development use UNCTAD
UN Convention Against Corruption use UNCAC
UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime use UNTOC
UN Convention on the Law of the Sea use LOS
UN Convention to Combat Desertification use UNCCD
UN Credentials Committee use UNCRED
UN Development Program use UNDP
UN Disarmament Commission use UNDC
UN Disaster Relief Coordinator use UNDRO
UN Disengagement Observer Force use UNDOF
UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific use ESCAP
UN Economic and Social Council use ECOSOC
UN Economic Commission for Africa use ECA
UN Economic Commission for Europe use ECE
UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean use ECLAC
UN Economic Commission for Western Asia use ECWA
UN Educational and Training Program for Southern Africa use UNETPSA
UN Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization use UNESCO
UN Emergency Force use UNEF
UN Environment Program use UNEP
UN Force in Cyprus use UNFICYP
UN Force in Lebanon use UNIFIL
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change use UNFCCC
UN Fund for Drug Abuse Control use UNFDAC
UN Fund for Population Activities use UNFPA
UN General Assembly use UNGA
UN General Assembly Adm and Budget Committee use UNGA/C-5
UN General Assembly Economic Committee use UNGA/C-2
UN General Assembly Fifth Committee use UNGA/C-5
UN General Assembly First Committee use UNGA/C-1
UN General Assembly Fourth Committee use UNGA/C-4
UN General Assembly Legal Committee use UNGA/C-6
UN General Assembly Second Committee use UNGA/C-2
UN General Assembly Sixth Committee use UNGA/C-6
UN General Assembly Social Committee use UNGA/C-3
UN General Assembly Third Committee use UNGA/C-3
UN Good Offices Mission for Afghanistan and Pakistan use UNGOMAP
UN High Commissioner for Refugees use UNHCR
UN Human Rights Counsel use UNHRC
UN Human Rights Committee use UNHRC-2
UN Industrial Development Organization use UNIDO
UN Institute for Training and Research use UNITAR
UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo use UNMIK
UN Interim Force in Lebanon use UNIFIL
UN International Drug Control Program use UNIDCP
UN International Forces in Lebanon use UNIFIL
UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research use UNICRI
UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan use UNMOGIP
UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara use MINURSO
UN Mission in Sierra Leone use UNAMSIL
UN Observation Mission in Georgia use UNOMIG
UN Office of Outer Space Affairs use UNOOSA
UN Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo use MONUC
UN Outer Space Committee use UNPUOS
UN Population Commission use UNPOP
UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East use UNRWA
UN Scientific Committee on the Effect of Atomic Radiation use UNSCEAR
UN Security Council use UNSC
UN Statistical Commission use STAT
UN Transitional Administration in East Timor use UNTAT
UN Truce Supervision Organization use UNTSO
UN Trust Fund for South Africa use UNTFSA
UN Trusteeship Council use UNTC
UNAMSIL use for UN Mission in Sierra Leone
UNAUS use for UN Association of the United States of America
UNBRO use for UN Border Relief Operations
UNC use for UN Command in Korea
UNCAC use for UN Convention Against Corruption
UNCCD use for UN Convention to Combat Desertification
UNCHC use for UN Committee on Hostages Convention
UNCHS use for UN Commission on Human Settlements
UNCITRAL use for UN Commission on International Trade Law
UNCRED use for UN Credentials Committee
UNCRIME use for Crime Prevention Control Committee (UN)
UNCSD use for UN Commission on Social Development
UNCSW use for UN Commission on Status of Women
UNCTAD use for UN Conference on Trade and Development
UNDC use for UN Disarmament Commission
UNDOF use for UN Disengagement Observer Force
UNDP use for UN Development Program
UNDRO use for Office of UN Disaster Relief, UN Disaster Relief Coordinator
UNEF use for UN Emergency Force
UNEP use for UN Environment Program
UNESCO use for UN Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNETPSA use for UN Educational and Training Program for Southern Africa
UNFCCC use for UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNFDAC use for UN Fund for Drug Abuse Control
UNFICYP use for UN Force in Cyprus
UNFPA use for UN Fund for Population Activities
UNGA use for UN General Assembly
UNGA/C-1 use for Political Committee (UNGA), UN General Assembly First Committee
UNGA/C-2 use for UN General Assembly Economic Committee, UN General Assembly Second Committee
UNGA/C-3 use for UN General Assembly Social Committee, UN General Assembly Third Committee
UNGA/C-4 use for UN General Assembly Special Political and Decolonization Committee, UN General Assembly Fourth Committee
UNGA/C-5 use for UN General Assembly Adm and Budget Committee, UN General Assembly Fifth Committee
UNGA/C-6 use for UN General Assembly Legal Committee, UN General Assembly Sixth Committee
UNGOMAP use for UN Good Offices Mission for Afghanistan and Pakistan
UNHCR use for UN High Commissioner for Refugees
UNHRC use for UN Human Rights Council
UNHRC-2 use for UN Human Rights Committee
UNICEF use for UN Children's Fund
UNICRI use for UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research
UNIDCP use for UN International Drug Control Program
UNIDO use for UN Industrial Development Organization
UNIDROIT use for International Institute for the Unification of Private Law
UNIFIL use for UN Force in Lebanon, UN Interim Force in Lebanon, and UN International Forces in Lebanon
Union Carbide
Union Monetaire Ouest Africaine use UMOA
UNITA use for National Union for Total Independence in Angola
UNITAR use for UN Institute for Training and Research
United African National Congress use UANC
United Airlines
United Auto Workers use UAW
United Brands
United Democratic Center use UCD
United Malays National Organization use UMNO
United Nations use UN
United Nicaraguan Opposition use UNO
United Press International use UPI
United States Information Service use USIS
United States Travel and Tourism Administration use USTTA
Universal Postal Union use UPU
UNMIK use for UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
UNMOGIP use for UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan
UNO use for United Nicaraguan Opposition
UNODC: United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime
UNOOSA use for UN Office of Outer Space Affairs
UNPOP use for UN Population Commission
UNRWA use for UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
UNSC use for UN Security Council
UNSCEAR use for UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation
UNTAT use for UN Transitional Administration in East Timor
UNTC use for UN Trusteeship Council
UNTERR use for UN Committee on International Terrorism
UNTFSA use for UN Trust Fund for South Africa
UNTOC use for UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime
UNTNC use for UN Commission on Transnational Corps
UNTSO use for UN Truce Supervision Organization
UPD use for Democratic Popular Unity
UPI use for United Press International
UPOV use for Committee for the Protection for New Varieties of Plants
UPU use for Universal Postal Union
Uruguay Round Textile Negotiating Group
US Agency for Global Media use USAGM
US use for US Airways
US Air Force use USAF
US Airways use US
US Geological Survey use USGS
US Marine Corps use USMC
US Maritime Administration use MARAD
US Marshals Service use USMS
US Navy use USN
US Postal Service use USPS
US Secret Service use USSS
US Steel
US Trade Representative use USTR
US Travel Service (COM) use USTTA
US-Egypt Joint Cooperation Commission use USEGJC
US-India Joint Commission on Educational and Cultural Cooperation use USINJC
US-Israel Joint Committee for Investment and Trade use USISJC
US-Saudi Arabia Economic Commission use USSAEC
USAF use for US Air Force
USAGM use for US Agency for Global Media
USEGJC use for US-Egypt Joint Cooperation Commission
USEM use for Social Union Mexican Businessmen
USGS use for US Geological Survey
USINJC use for US-India Joint Commission on Educational and Cultural Cooperation
USISJC use for US-Israel Joint Committee for Investment and Trade
USMC use for US Marine Corps
USMS use for US Marshals Service
USN use for US Navy
USNRC use for Nuclear Regulatory Commission
USPS use for US Postal Service
USSAEC use for US-Saudi Arabia Economic Commission
USTDA use for United State Trade and Development Agency
USTR use for Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations
USTTA use for United States Travel and Tourism Administration
UX use for Air Europa
VA use for Veterans Administration
VARIG use for Brazilian Airline
VARIG use for S A Empresa De Viacao Area Rio Grandense
Veterans Administration use VA
Veterans of Foreign Wars use VFW
VFW use for Veterans of Foreign Wars
Vietnam Airlines use VN
Virgin America use VX
Virgin Atlantic use VS
VN use for Vietnam Airlines
VOA use for Voice of America
Voice of America use VOA
VS use for Virgin Atlantic
VV use for Aerosvit
VX use for Virgin America
W3 use for Arik Air
WAEC use for all cables related to the Wassenar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Weapons and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies
WARC use for World Administrative Radio Conference
Warsaw Pact Organization use WPO
Warsaw Treaty Organization use WPO
WCC use for World Council of Churches
WCL use for International Federation of Christian World Confederation of Labor
WEO use for Western European and Other Groups
West African Monetary Union use UMOA
Western European and Other Groups use WEO
Western European Union use WEU
Western Union
Westjet use WS
WEU use for Western European Union
WFC-2 use for World Food Council
WFP use for World Food Program
WFTU use for World Federation of Trade Unions
WHC use for The World Heritage Convention
WHO use for World Health Organization
WILPF use for Women’s International League for Peace
WIPO use for World Intellectual Property Organization
WJC use for World Jewish Congress
WMO use for World Meteorological Organization
Women’s International League for Peace use WILPF
World Administrative Radio Conference use WARC
World Affairs Council
World Airways
World Assembly on Aging
World Bank use IBRD
World Confederation of Labor use WCL
World Council of Churches use WCC
World Federation of Trade Unions use WFTU
World Food Council use WFC-2
World Food Program use WFP
World Health Organization use WHO
World Heritage Convention (The) use WHC
World Intellectual Property Organization use WIPO
World Jewish Congress use WJC
World Meteorological Organization use WMO
World Road Association use WRA
World Summit on the Information Society use WSIS
World Tourism Organization use WTO
World Trade Organization use WTRO
World Vision
WPO use for Warsaw Pact Organization and Warsaw Treaty Organization
WRA use for World Road Association
WS use for Westjet
WSIS use for World Summit on the Information Society
WTO use for World Tourism Organization
WTRO use for World Trade Organization
Xiamen Airlines use MF
Yacemientos Petroliferos Fiscales (BL) use YPFB
Yomiuri Shimbun
YPFB use for Yacemientos Petroliferos Fiscales (BL)
ZANU use for Zimbabwe African National Union
ZAPU use for Zimbabwe African Peoples Union
ZH use for Shenzhen Airlines
Zimbabwe African National Union use ZANU
Zimbabwe African Peoples Union use ZAPU