File:Flag of Laos.svg

Size of this PNG preview of this SVG file: 800 × 533 pixels. Àteras risolutziones: 320 × 213 pixels | 640 × 427 pixels | 1,024 × 683 pixels | 1,280 × 853 pixels | 2,560 × 1,707 pixels
Versione a risolutzione arta (file in formadu SVG, mannesa nominale 900 × 600 pixel, mannesa de su file: 233 B)
Istòria de su file
Carca unu grupu data/ora pro castiare su file comente si presentada in su tempus indicadu.
Data/Ora | Miniatura | Dimensiones | Utente | Cumentu | |
atuale | 17:55, 22 Aus 2020 | ![]() | 900 × 600 (233 B) | Achim55 | Update by and on behalf of FDRMRZUSA |
20:37, 11 Làm 2013 | ![]() | 600 × 400 (279 B) | Odder | Reverted to version as of 08:19, 28 March 2007 | |
20:25, 11 Làm 2013 | ![]() | 2,560 × 1,707 (51 KB) | Jedan02 | == {{int:filedesc}} == {{lo|ທຸງຊາດລາວ}} {{de|'''Die Flagge von Laos'''}} {{es|'''Dimensiones de la bandera:'''}} {{en|'''The flag of Laos'''}} {{fa|پرچم لائوس}... | |
09:19, 28 Mar 2007 | ![]() | 600 × 400 (279 B) | Fibonacci | Optimised code. | |
19:17, 20 Aus 2006 | ![]() | 600 × 400 (440 B) | Madden | less code | |
10:07, 2 Ghe 2006 | ![]() | 600 × 400 (683 B) | Gabbe | Use "circle" element | |
23:27, 21 Stg 2005 | ![]() | 450 × 300 (2 KB) | Zscout370 | I compressed the image | |
06:14, 28 Cab 2005 | Peruna miniatura | (2 KB) | SKopp | The flag of Laos. Source: Drawn by User:SKopp {{Template:Insignia}} Category:Flags of Laos |
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- Template:LAO
- Template:Àsia
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- Kategorie:Laos
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- Gebruiker:Wordscape/temp26
- Donald Tusk
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