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Fitxategi:South America satellite plane.jpg

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A composite satellite image of South America.

Public domain
This image is in the public domain because it is a screenshot from NASA’s globe software World Wind using a public domain layer, such as Blue Marble, MODIS, Landsat, SRTM, USGS or GLOBE.

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The image is from [1] archive copy at the Wayback Machine, specifically the 21600x21600 land_shallow_topo_west.tif archive copy at the Wayback Machine. The third version of this image was cropped at position (11740, 9200), width 5800, height 8400.

Fitxategiaren historia

Data/orduan klik egin fitxategiak orduan zuen itxura ikusteko.

oraingoa02:42, 30 martxoa 200502:42, 30 martxoa 2005 bertsioaren iruditxoa5.940 × 8.520 (6 MB)Cantusoriginal resolution
07:48, 27 martxoa 200507:48, 27 martxoa 2005 bertsioaren iruditxoa5.800 × 8.400 (4,24 MB)Dbenbennoriginal high resolution version, cropped land_shallow_topo_west.tif at 5800x8400+11740+9200.
15:22, 18 abendua 200415:22, 18 abendua 2004 bertsioaren iruditxoa559 × 800 (66 KB)Jurema Oliveira
22:13, 13 azaroa 200422:13, 13 azaroa 2004 bertsioaren iruditxoa559 × 800 (66 KB)Bjarki S

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