CIDRAP News and other published CIDRAP content aim to support the center's mission: “CIDRAP works to prevent illness and death from targeted infectious disease threats through research and the translation of scientific information into real-world, practical applications, policies, and solutions.”
The mission of the News team is to provide readers with the latest information on emerging infectious disease and related public health efforts. Our news stories highlight important data and provide key context to enable public health professionals, healthcare workers, government officials and other leaders, and the general public to make necessary decisions to protect and foster their and the public’s health.
We present meaningful scientific findings and expert opinion with clear, concise, and impartial reporting. Our news stories and other published material are available free of charge, and we publish in an environment free of influence from governmental or other agencies.
Conflicts of interest
Members of CIDRAP News will avoid actions that create or could be perceived as a conflict of interest in their reporting. We do not accept gifts or other perks from external entities. CIDRAP News staff strive to be factual, impartial, and politically neutral so that readers can be assured that the information they read is data- and not opinion-driven.
The CIDRAP News team operates entirely independently from CIDRAP’s other programs and policy efforts. News stories that report on the efforts of other CIDRAP staff will always clearly note that CIDRAP News is published by CIDRAP.
Opinion pieces
Commentaries express opinions surrounding public health and infectious diseases and are therefore distinct from news stories. All commentaries, whether written by CIDRAP staff members or external expert, will be prominently labeled as such.
CIDRAP News and its staff strive to be completely accurate in all we publish, including ensuring that sources are quoted accurately. When we make an error in a story, we will correct it and add a prominent Editor’s Note at the top of the story as soon as we are aware of the mistake.
Financial support
Gifts to CIDRAP, whether from individuals, foundations, or corporations, have no bearing on CIDRAP News or other published CIDRAP content.
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