Two people look at a colorful painting in a gallery


Give to the Hammer

No matter the size, your contribution plays an essential role in promoting the Hammer’s mission to champion art and ideas for a more just world. Thank you.


The Hammer Museum has a four-star rating on Charity Navigator, and is a Gold-level GuideStar participant. Our federal Tax Identification Number is 95-4217197. View financial documents and an overview of the Hammer's operating revenues and expenses on our Boards & Governance page.

Other ways to make a tax-deductible gift include:

  • Bequests and estate planning
  • Gifts of art to the Museum’s collections
  • Support from foundations and government agencies
  • Matching gifts through over 250 companies

For more information about these opportunities to support the Hammer, please call (310) 443-7000 or email [email protected].