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Planned Giving

Leaving a gift to UC Press Foundation in your will, trust, or through other means ensures that important research will continue to be published for decades to come. Planned gifts provide an enduring literary legacy for the benefit of future readers and thinkers.

Planned gifts are deeply meaningful and may also provide donors with tax advantages. Please consult your attorney or financial adviser to determine the most appropriate means of making a planned gift to UC Press.

Options include:

Retirement Assets

Reduce income and estate taxes for your heirs by leaving a portion of your retirement funds to UC Press. Simply name UC Press Foundation (tax ID #94-2682969) as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or other qualified plan.

If you are at least 70-1/2 years old and have an IRA, you may be able to make tax-free distributions from your IRA for charitable purposes. Contact your IRA trustee for advice or to make a payment directly to UC Press Foundation.


Perpetuate your appreciation of the written word by providing for UC Press in your will. You may designate a specific amount or percentage of your assets to UC Press for support of a particular publishing program or to be used as needed. All bequests are exempt from federal inheritance taxes.

To include a bequest to the UC Press Foundation in your will or living trust, simply provide your advisor or financial account administrator with the following information:
“I give, devise, and bequeath to the University of California Press Foundation, Tax ID #94-2682969, located at 1111 Franklin Street, Oakland, CA 94607 the sum of $____ (or % of my estate or property herein described).”

Life Income Gifts

Life income gifts may be made through gift annuities or charitable remainder trusts. Transfer assets to UC Press Foundation, and you and your chosen beneficiary receive income for a term of years or for life. You receive an immediate tax reduction, and at the conclusion of the term, the remainder of the gift is distributed to the UC Press Foundation.

Legacy Society

All planned gifts are recognized with membership in the Legacy Society, which honors the generous individuals who have included the UC Press Foundation in their estate plans. If you have made such a provision, informing us of your plans enables us to properly express our gratitude and ensure that you receive Society benefits. Please note that information regarding the size or type of your gift is not required.

Membership in the Legacy Society includes:

  • One UC Press book per year
  • 40% discount on UC Press books
  • Subscription to UC Press Foundation e-newsletter
  • Special email notifications
  • Invitations to special events
  • Acknowledgment in our Annual Report and on the UC Press website (if desired)

If you would like information and confidential assistance about planned giving or the UC Press Foundation Legacy Society, please contact Amanda Todd at [email protected].