Direct Detection
The Centre constructs and operates state-of-the-art experiments to directly detect dark matter in Australia. These experiments play an important role in international collaborations and will be conducted at the Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory (SUPL) and at the University of Western Australia (UWA).
Large Hadron Collider
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) allows research into dark matter production through high-energy collisions. This research extends the experimental reach of the Centre to dark matter masses and interactions for which direct detection experiments have less sensitivity.
Precision Metrology
With support from the ANU and ANSTO, the Centre develops ultra-sensitive radioactivity measurement techniques. Experts at UWA will establish the ultra-precise measurements of frequency and other quantities that are needed for cold dark matter searches.
The Centre develops the theoretical framework for incorporating results and integrating findings from Direct Detection experiments and Large Hadron Collider searches into a new fundamental theory of Nature; a theory that expands upon the current Standard Model of particle physics.