Support & Funding
NBER research is supported by grants from government agencies or private foundations, by corporation and individual contributions, and by income from the NBER’s investment portfolio. The NBER serves as the administrative home for many research projects directed by affiliated scholars, ranging in size from single-investigator studies of a specific question that take place over a relatively short period, to multi-investigator projects tackling large topics over many years. The funders who currently contribute the most to NBER-based research projects are the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The NBER conducts research but does not make policy recommendations or carry out advocacy on the basis of research findings.
Highlights of Supported Research
Government & Foundation Support
The NBER welcomes grant support from both government funders and from private foundations that support economic research. NBER’s grant administration team has worked with a wide range of public and private funders to carry out economic research. This team can assist potential funders who are interested in crafting research projects that would involve NBER affiliated researchers, and it can also assist NBER affiliates in preparing grant applications and administering research projects. For further information on grant support resources at NBER, please contact NBER’s Director of Research and Grant Administration, Alterra Milone.

Corporate Sponsors
NBER Corporate Associates provide unrestricted contributions that support the NBER’s core missions of research and dissemination of economic knowledge. Corporate Associates receive subscriptions to NBER working papers and are invited to send representatives to an annual Research Symposium that highlights a selection of recent research findings. For information on becoming a Corporate Associate, please contact Director of Development, Denis Healy.

Summer Institute Supporters

Individual Giving
The NBER welcomes contributions from individual donors who reside in states in which the NBER is a registered charity. These donors provide support for emerging research studies and to enable early-career researchers to participate in NBER meetings. To learn more about individual giving opportunities, please contact NBER’s Director of Development, Denis Healy.