Posted Dec. 1, 2008 -- Just in case you thought Yung Berg was somewhere loving a light-skinned shorty, think again. The young rapper has been criticized for statements made on a Shade 45 radio show where he cited his preference for light-skinned women in a very unique way. Berg said he didn't like "dark butts" and for a number of weeks after, he paid for that statement. Now, almost six months later, Yung Berg is still trying to correct his flawed quote by casting dark-skinned women in a new reality dating show.
According to, Berg's reality show will be similar to the popular "Flavor of Love" show that turned Flavor Flav back into a celebrity. Though no network has yet to agree to air the show, Berg is apparently shopping his show to BET, VH-1, and MTV. His team sent out a casting call which read, "We are looking to find exceptionally stand out beautiful dark skin/brown skin women to showcase beauty of all races on the show." Reportedly, he would like to cast the well-known dark-skinned video model Jeri J. But says Berg has already put his foot in his mouth by allegedly saying that Jeri J. was "pretty for a dark-skinned shorty."
If Berg stays true to his publicity-generating self, then this should make for good television.
Watch Yung Berg's "The Business" video here on BET On Blast.