Yung Berg Casting Dark-Skinned Women For His Reality Show

By Kim Osorio

Posted Dec. 1, 2008 -- Just in case you thought Yung Berg was somewhere loving a light-skinned shorty, think again. The young rapper has been criticized for statements made on a Shade 45 radio show where he cited his preference for light-skinned women in a very unique way. Berg said he didn't like "dark butts" and for a number of weeks after, he paid for that statement. Now, almost six months later, Yung Berg is still trying to correct his flawed quote by casting dark-skinned women in a new reality dating show.


According to, Berg's reality show will be similar to the popular "Flavor of Love" show that turned Flavor Flav back into a celebrity. Though no network has yet to agree to air the show, Berg is apparently shopping his show to BET, VH-1, and MTV. His team sent out a casting call which read, "We are looking to find exceptionally stand out beautiful dark skin/brown skin women to showcase beauty of all races on the show." Reportedly, he would like to cast the well-known dark-skinned video model Jeri J. But says Berg has already put his foot in his mouth by allegedly saying that Jeri J. was "pretty for a dark-skinned shorty."

If Berg stays true to his publicity-generating self, then this should make for good television.

Watch Yung Berg's "The Business" video here on BET On Blast.


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  • "i think that is good"
  • im kinda glad that he decided to be interested in in brown or dark-skinned women because we are in season 4 rite now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • "ahahahaha"
  • this is going 002 be good
  • "it's a shame"
  • that is really crazy. first of all saying she's "pretty for a dark skin" girl is whack. why can't she just be pretty? okay i'm dark skin and i will admit that there have been plenty times where dudes have said that to me; and i don't like it. i'm pretty sure nobody gone go up to a light girl and be like "you pretty to be light skin". i know sometimes people discriminate against light skin people saying they not really black and blah blah blah but they don't get treated half as bad as dark people. and yung berg being main stream and having dark skin fans should not have said that in the first p
  • "f*** all yall crazy n***s"
  • i,m dark skin and loving it,i get turned down alot by guys because i am what you say not(light), but if it wasnt for us they wouldn't be here. that,s why the world is so messed up now.we should get the most respect cause all we have overcome. f*** n***s!