Increasing your research visibility

Colleagues across the University work together to help support researchers promote their work and research. By promoting your research you will:

  • have your publications read,
  • be cited more often,
  • become involved in more research collaborations
  • support the research reputation of the University globally
  • work with high-quality postgraduate research students

 The below video gives an introduction to citations, and gives some tips for how to increase your citations and reach a broader academic audience. Please contact [email protected] if you would like additional support.

How to get started

Helpful guides

Create a web presence

If you are working on a Research Project, it's a good idea to publish your work online. The University's default approach is to publish all research web content on the University primary website. More information about requesting web support and setting up a website, plus the process we legally must follow can be found on the Staff Directory. If you contact a member of the Web and Digital Media Team, or your Faculty Web and Promotions Assistant before creating anything they can help get you set up.

Update your academic staff profile through the RIS

Your staff profile is a window to the world on your activity. It is how PGR students find you and it is how the media find you too, as well as potential research collaborators. If your information is out of date here, then this is what the world sees. Maintaining your profile ensures you are projecting your work to the public at all times.

There is a range of support available on how to maintain your RIS profile - which feeds directly into your academic web profile too.

Work on your wider research profile

Introductory information on various online research profiles from Library and Cultural Services can be found on their website. This includes a step-by-step guide on how to create ORCID and Google Scholar profiles.

Recommended online research profiles

This video gives an overview of some of our most recommended online research profiles.


Blogs are perhaps the easiest way to help promote your work. Do you have a project your are working on, or a new publication, or just want to provide insight into a topic? Write a blog about them and help spread that message via the many channels that exist across the University.

Email your Faculty Support communications officers, or Faculty Web and Promotions Assistants to help you get started.

Helpful blogs:

Get on Social Media