Supporting people with acquired brain injury,
their families & carers
Brain injury can affect anyone, at any time and Headway Birmingham & Solihull supports people through these life-changing events, treating them as individuals and building a bespoke service to meet their needs and aspirations.
Headway Birmingham & Solihull is the only local organisation that provides on-going services which are designed to enable brain injured people and their families and carers to move on with the next stage of their lives.
We offer a a wide programme of activities and specialist services aimed at recovery and social rehabilitation. We also work with the whole familiy and professionals to provide information, hospital link work, community enablement and the opportunity to join social events with others going through similar experiences.
We work closely with our health and social care colleagues and other agencies to ensure services are as seamless as possible, and we can provide this help right through the support pathway.
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"I have only got this far because of all the professional and overwhelming help and support of all at Headway. Words alone will never express my appreciation and gratitude to such wonderful people and a brilliant organisation"