About Academic Repository

The Repositorio Academico of Universidad de Chile maintains, disseminates and provides access to the research and academic publications generated by teachers and researchers on campus. In these publications, the University of Chile must be mentioned in the authorship.

His collection totals over 73,000 publications and includes all types of digital documents: journal articles, books, book chapters, theses, technical reports, presentations, pictures, work documents, among others.

The objectives of the repository are:

  • Disseminate the documents published by the University and members of the university community
  • Increase and enhance the visibility of the works, the authors and the University.
  • Ensure the future accessibility and preservation of digital documents generated by the institution itself.
  • Focus on a single server and search interface or digital materials all documents issued by the institution.
  • Increase the impact of the available scientific production network.



The content is organized hierarchically into communities: schools, colleges and central agencies. Each community has its own login page.

Each community is organized into collections that correspond to different kinds of documents, theses, articles, papers, etc. A collection can hold an unlimited number of documents. Each collection has its own login page.


The procedures done are:

  • Conservation document institutional servers.
  • Backup.
  • Upgrades of hardware and software.

Benefits for academics and researchers

Visibility: Increased national and international distribution of publications as it allows them to be easily retrieved and cited. Lets get the best search results on Google.

Permanence: Ensures the stability of the location of their work online, by assigning a unique Web address for each document, allowing a simple way of appointment, simple and reliable.

Flexibility: Supports multiple input file formats, including text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, images, and combinations thereof.

Safe Storage: It helps preserve, support and durability of all the documents included as a way to preserve the intellectual memory of the University of Chile.

Access Control: Empowers scholars to determine the level of access to their documents, leaving them as public or private, and the ability to vary the condition in time.

Use Rights: Allows scholars use to define how they can make others in your digital documents by means of a flexible pattern complementary to traditional copyright licensing copyright (Creative Commons).

Publication and Administration

The Repositorio Académico de la Universidad de Chile is managed by Dirección de Servicios de Información y Bibliotecas (SISIB) about the use of DSpace, developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) , which has been adapted to the needs of our organization

Use the interoperability protocol Open Archives Iniciative (OAI), made it possible to increase the visibility of documents, offered jointly with other international repositories.

We invite the academic community to participate in this initiative incorporating publications Academic Repository of the University of Chile: journal articles, documents, digital books, technical reports and papers presentation notes, images, artwork, and more.

Further information

Information and support: [email protected] (SISIB)