anthem, (Greek antiphōna: “against voice”; Old English antefn: “antiphon”), choral composition with English words, used in Anglican and other English-speaking church services. It developed in the mid-16th century in the Anglican Church as a musical form analogous to the Roman Catholic motet (q.v.), a choral composition with a sacred Latin text.
At first, unaccompanied choral writing, or full anthem, was the norm. In the 16th century the growth of the verse anthem (which used a solo vocal part and eventually many soloists as well as a choir) encouraged the use of instrumental accompaniment, either by the organ or by instrumental groups, such as wind instruments or viols. Shortly after the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 it was common, at least in the royal chapel, to perform anthems with orchestral accompaniment. In the 1700s the full anthem ousted to some extent the verse anthem, although solo passages were occasionally used for special effect.
Both full and verse anthems frequently utilized antiphony, the alternation of two half choirs. These were usually referred to as decani (the dean’s side) and cantoris (the precentor’s, or choirmaster’s, side). The contrast of the half choirs and, in elaborate verse anthems, of subsections for soloists, instruments, or choir, provided a subtle effect of fluctuating tone colour and sonority that often reflected the mood or sense of the text. Verse anthems alternating soloists, instrumental passages, and choir often resembled the cantatas used in Lutheran worship. Among notable composers of anthems are Thomas Tomkins, Henry Purcell, George Frideric Handel, Samuel Sebastian Wesley, and Ralph Vaughan Williams.