Benedict IX
Benedict IX (died 1055/56, Grottaferrata, Papal States [Italy]) was the pope three times, from 1032 to 1044, from April to May 1045, and from 1047 to 1048. The last of the popes from the powerful Tusculani family, he was notorious for selling the papacy and then reclaiming the office twice.
The son of Count Alberic of Tusculum, he was the nephew of two previous popes, Benedict VIII and John XIX. While still a youth, he was thrust into the papacy by the Tusculani in 1032, and he excommunicated ecclesiastical leaders who were hostile to him. His violent and licentious conduct provoked the Romans to insurrection; he fled Rome, and in January 1045 they elected Bishop John of Sabina to succeed him as Sylvester III. But Sylvester was quickly driven out by Benedict’s brothers and retired to his old bishopric in the Sabine hills, whereupon Benedict sold the papacy to his godfather, Giovanni Graziano, a Roman priest, who offered Benedict a pension. Graziano, known as an honest and pious man, is believed to have taken this action to save the Holy See from Benedict’s scandalous conduct; he became pope as Gregory VI (May 1045).
In the following year, however, both Benedict and Sylvester returned to Rome, each claiming to be pope instead of Gregory. None of the three was favoured at the Council of Sutri, held by Henry III of Germany in December 1046. Sylvester was declared a false claimant and imprisoned; Benedict was deposed; and Gregory was charged with simony, deprived of the papacy, and replaced by the Saxon bishop Suidger of Bamberg as Clement II. After Clement’s death (Oct. 9, 1047) Benedict reappeared in Rome and installed himself on November 8. Finally, on July 17, 1048, Boniface of Tuscany, by order of Henry, drove Benedict from Rome and replaced him with Bishop Poppo of Brixen as Damasus II. Benedict was never seen in Rome again. He is supposed to have lived until 1055 or 1056, traditionally a penitent at the monastery of Grottaferrata.