USD130610S - Design for a book end ob sevhlar article - Google Patents

Design for a book end ob sevhlar article Download PDF


Publication number
USD130610S US D130610 S USD130610 S US D130610S
United States
Prior art keywords
book end
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Malcolm B. Boyce
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Ema 2 1941; v M. Eu BOYCE 130,610
BOOK END OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed July 24, 1941 HIP! Patented Dec. 2, 1941 D 130,610
DESIGN FOR A BOOK END 0R. SIMILAR ARTICLE Malcolm B. Boyce, Haverhill, Mass.
. Application July 24, 1941, Serial No. 102,452
Term of patent '7 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a front elevational view of a book Be it known that I, Malcolm B. Boyce, a citiend or similar article, showing my new design; zen of the United States, residing at Haverhill, Figure 2 is a side elevational view; and in the county of Essex, in the Commonwealth Figure 3 is a top plan view thereof. of Massachusetts, have invented a new, original, I claim: and ornamental Design for a Book End or Similar The ornamental design for a book end or simi- Article, of which the following is a specification, lar article, substantially as shown.
reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof. MALCOLM B. BOYCE.



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