Become a
Preferred Vendor
Thank you for your interest in sharing your product and/or service with our 300+ MAIZE farm owners. We have a great program in place to help connect you with members of our organization and look forward to helping share your message.
To help our MAiZE family get information on the best products/services that can benefit their operations, we've created a directory of vendors offering what we believe is the best combination of quality, reliability, and price. If you are interested in becoming a Preferred Vendor and receiving a FREE listing in our directory, please take a moment to fill out our application and to learn how you can advertise to our 320+ farms by clicking on the links below.
• Be recommended by 3 current MAIZE farms
• Offer an exclusive discount to our MAIZE family
• Be reviewed by the MAiZE office & approved
• No unresolved complaints within the MAiZE family
Advertising Opportunities
Watch for 2025 advertising options
Corn Party Trade Show
Coming March 2025
Email Blast
CLICK and email your info to our 320+ farms
Facebook Post
CLICK to join our MAiZE Marketplace group
Vendor Directory
APPLY to appear on our preferred vendor list
Click HERE to email ([email protected]) a prize idea for a MAiZE webinar