

View synonyms for aggravate


[ ag-ruh-veyt ]

verb (used with object)

aggravated, aggravating.
  1. to make worse or more severe; intensify, as anything evil, disorderly, or troublesome:

    to aggravate a grievance; to aggravate an illness.

    Synonyms: increase, heighten

    Antonyms: alleviate

  2. to annoy; irritate; exasperate:

    His questions aggravate her.

    Synonyms: rile, vex, anger

  3. to cause to become irritated or inflamed:

    The child's constant scratching aggravated the rash.


/ ˈæɡrəˌveɪt /


  1. to make (a disease, situation, problem, etc) worse or more severe
  2. informal.
    to annoy; exasperate, esp by deliberate and persistent goading
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Usage Note

The two most common senses of aggravate are “to make worse” and “to annoy or exasperate.” Both senses first appeared in the early 17th century at almost the same time; the corresponding two senses of the noun aggravation also appeared then. Both senses of aggravate and aggravation have been standard since then. The use of aggravate to mean “annoy” is sometimes objected to because it departs from the etymological meaning “to make heavier,” and in formal speech and writing the sense “annoy” is somewhat less frequent than “to make worse.” The noun aggravation meaning “annoyance” occurs in all types of speech and writing.
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Derived Forms

  • ˌaggraˈvation, noun
  • ˈaggraˌvating, adjective
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Other Words From

  • aggra·vative adjective
  • aggra·vator noun
  • over·aggra·vate verb (used with object) overaggravated overaggravating
  • pre·aggra·vate verb (used with object) preaggravated preaggravating
  • re·aggra·vate verb (used with object) reaggravated reaggravating
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Word History and Origins

Origin of aggravate1

1425–75; late Middle English < Latin aggravātus (past participle of aggravāre ), equivalent to ag- ag- + grav- ( grave 2 ) + -ātus -ate 1; aggrieve
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Word History and Origins

Origin of aggravate1

C16: from Latin aggravāre to make heavier, from gravis heavy
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Synonym Study

Aggravate, intensify both mean to increase in degree. To aggravate is to make more serious or more grave: to aggravate a danger, an offense, a wound. To intensify is perceptibly to increase intensity, force, energy, vividness, etc.: to intensify heat, color, rage.
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Example Sentences

Still, the resistance seems in some ways to be ratcheting up, and has clearly started to reach — and aggravate — the White House.

He also admitted possession of cannabis and a racially aggravated public order offence.

From BBC

“Do we question the corpse?” is his aggravated response.

But Jackson aggravated the shoulder injury in the second game, and he was on injured reserve for six games.

It was a vital element in the diplomatic balancing act taking place, as the UK government tries to shore up Western support for Ukraine, without alienating and aggravating the Trump administration in the US.

From BBC




