

View synonyms for amusement


[ uh-myooz-muhnt ]


  1. anything that amuses or entertains; pastime:

    The park offers authentic Danish charm and an array of amusements and thrill rides.

    Synonyms: game

  2. the act of amusing or entertaining; diversion:

    He invented indoor golf games for his own amusement, and for the amusement of his children.

  3. the state of being amused; enjoyment:

    Mom couldn't hide her amusement when my little sister tried to make dinner.

    Synonyms: delight


/ əˈmjuːzmənt /


  1. something that amuses, such as a game or other pastime
  2. a mechanical device used for entertainment, as at a fair
  3. the act of amusing or the state or quality of being amused
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Other Words From

  • self-a·muse·ment noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of amusement1

First recorded in 1595–1605; from Middle French; amuse, -ment
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Example Sentences

Needless to say, those hats were met with incredulity and amusement over the weekend before being pulled from MLB’s online stores Monday.

Meanwhile energy prices remain high for amusement parks that consume a substantial amount of electricity.

From BBC

Amateur singers still reach for lung-busting high notes; judges still dispense advice drawn from their professional experience; Seacrest still emcees the proceedings with a knowing amusement.

Now proprietors are going after adults with concepts like Holey Moley and Punch Bowl Social, which combines eating and drinking with nostalgic amusements such as billiards, bowling, darts and arcade games.

Some of the most dramatic scenes unfolded in Fantasilandia, an amusement park in Santiago, where at least a dozen people were stuck on top of a rollercoaster.

From BBC





amuse-gueuleamusement arcade