


[ bahng-gluh-desh, bang- ]


  1. republic in South Asia, north of the Bay of Bengal: a member of the Commonwealth of Nations; a former province of Pakistan. 54,501 sq. mi. (141,158 sq. km). : Dhaka.


/ ˌbɑːŋɡləˈdɛʃ; ˌbæŋ- /


  1. a republic in S Asia: formerly the Eastern Province of Pakistan; became independent in 1971 after civil war and the defeat of Pakistan by India; consists of the plains and vast deltas of the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers; prone to flooding: economy based on jute and jute products (over 70 per cent of world production); a member of the Commonwealth. Language: Bengali. Religion: Muslim. Currency: taka. Capital: Dhaka. Pop: 163 654 860 (2013 est). Area: 142 797 sq km (55 126 sq miles)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. Republic in southern Asia , bordered by India to the north, west, and east; the Bay of Bengal to the south; and Burma to the southeast. Its capital and largest city is Dacca.
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Created as East Pakistan in 1947, when India gained its independence from Britain and Muslim leaders demanded a Muslim state. Separated by cultural differences and one thousand miles of Indian territory from a neglectful central government in West Pakistan (now Pakistan ), Bangladesh achieved its independence in 1971 after a bloody revolt and Indian intervention. It has been struck frequently by devastating typhoons .
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Example Sentences

At the behest of protesters, Yunus came back to Bangladesh to lead the new interim government.

From BBC

England are currently seventh with Afghanistan having closed in and Bangladesh and West Indies lurking below.

From BBC

Ariyan, a young man from Bangladesh, has come back to Thailand to try to help 17 friends who are still there.

From BBC

Illegal kidney sales driven by poverty have been documented in recent years across Asia, including in Nepal, Pakistan, Indonesia, Afghanistan, India and Bangladesh.

From BBC

Analysts say China is making overtures while diplomatic tensions have risen between Bangladesh and India on a range of issues.

From BBC




