


abbreviation for

  1. Music. basso continuo.
  2. blind copy: used as a notation on the copy of a letter or other document sent to a third person without the addressee's knowledge. Also



abbreviation for

  1. Scuba Diving. buoyancy compensator.
  2. British Columbia, Canada (approved for postal use).


  1. bills for collection.


or B.C.

abbreviation for

  1. before Christ (used in indicating dates).



abbreviation for

  1. Bachelor of Chemistry.
  2. Bachelor of Commerce.
  3. bass clarinet.
  4. battery commander.
  5. British Columbia.


abbreviation for

  1. AlsoB.C. (indicating years numbered back from the supposed year of the birth of Christ) before Christ Compare AD

    in 54 bc Caesar came

  2. British Columbia
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Usage Note

The abbreviation b.c. “before Christ” is always placed after a date or century: Cleopatra lived from 69 to 30 b.c. The war took place in the first century b.c. a.d. 1
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Example Sentences

They flew to St. Petersburg in 2009 for an interview with BC Spartak, a professional team in the Russian Super League.

Historian Osmund Bopearachchi of the Paris-based French National Centre for Scientific Research highlights a key discovery - an iron sword from a burial site, made of ultra-high-carbon steel and dating to 13th–15th Century BC.

From BBC

"We know that the first signs of real steel production date back to the 13th Century BC in present-day Turkey. The radiometric dates seem to prove that the Tamil Nadu samples are earlier," he said.

From BBC

Present-day Turkey is one of the earliest known regions where iron was mined, extracted and forged on a significant scale around the 13th Century BC.

From BBC

Thutmose II was an ancestor of Tutankhamun, whose reign is believed to have been from about 1493 to 1479 BC.

From BBC





B bursaryBCA