

View synonyms for biscuit



[ bis-kit ]


  1. a kind of bread in small, soft cakes, raised with baking powder or soda, or sometimes with yeast; scone.
  2. Chiefly British.
    1. a dry and crisp or hard bread in thin, flat cakes, made without yeast or other raising agent; a cracker.
    2. a cookie.
  3. a pale-brown color.
  4. Also called bisque. Ceramics. unglazed earthenware or porcelain after firing.
  5. Also called preform. a piece of plastic or the like, prepared for pressing into a phonograph record.


  1. having the color biscuit.



[ bees-kwee ]


  1. a cookie or cracker.


/ ˈbɪskɪt /


  1. a small flat dry sweet or plain cake of many varieties, baked from a dough US and Canadian wordcookie
  2. a kind of small roll similar to a muffin
    1. a pale brown or yellowish-grey colour
    2. ( as adjective )

      biscuit gloves

  3. Also calledbisque earthenware or porcelain that has been fired but not glazed
  4. take the biscuit slang.
    to be regarded (by the speaker) as the most surprising thing that could have occurred
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Other Words From

  • biscuit·like adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of biscuit1

1300–50; Middle English bysquyte < Middle French biscuit ( Medieval Latin biscoctus ), variant of bescuit seamen's bread, literally, twice cooked, equivalent to bes bis 1 + cuit, past participle of cuire < Latin coquere to cook 1
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Word History and Origins

Origin of biscuit1

C14: from Old French, from ( pain ) bescuit twice-cooked (bread), from bes bis + cuire to cook, from Latin coquere
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Example Sentences

Officials later confirmed his last meal was four pieces of fried chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes with gravy, biscuits, cheesecake and sweet tea.

From BBC

We're treated to frequent appearances by the Sussexes' sleepy beagle Guy, who died in January, but not before enjoying a lifetime of homemade dog biscuits Meghan prepares with leftover bacon.

From Salon

On the first day, participants assigned to the ultra-processed diet were given fried chicken, biscuits and a giant bowl of sweetened yogurt.

From Salon

Like grits, greens and biscuits, gravy is a Southern staple born out of necessity, of making the best out of very little.

From Salon

He claimed Charlie had choked on a biscuit while playing in a toy tunnel in their living room, but medical staff were immediately suspicious.

From BBC


Related Words




biscottobiscuit bread