

View synonyms for caballero


[ kab-uhl-yair-oh, kab-uh-lair-oh; Spanish kah-bah-lye-raw, -ye- ]


plural caballeros
  1. a Spanish gentleman.
  2. Southwestern U.S.
    1. a horseman.
    2. a woman's escort or admirer; cavalier.


/ kaβaˈʎero; ˌkæbəˈljɛərəʊ /


  1. a Spanish gentleman
  2. a southwestern US word for horseman
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of caballero1

First recorded in 1740–50; from Spanish: “horseman, knight, gentleman,” from Late Latin caballārius groom; cavalier
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Word History and Origins

Origin of caballero1

C19: from Spanish: gentleman, horseman, from Late Latin caballārius rider, groom, from caballus horse; compare cavalier
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Example Sentences

“Llegó El Caballero” underscores the bandleader’s gift for intricate arrangements, with majestic combinations of brass and elegant piano lines.

People like assistant manager Willy Caballero - the former Manchester City and Chelsea goalkeeper - and coaches Danny Walker and Roberto Vitiello, fitness coach Marcos Alvarez, analyst Javi Molina and goalkeeper coach Michele de Bernardin.

From BBC

In pitching the bill, Caballero described it as a “fast and cost-effective way to increase the supply of affordable homes in California.”

“We just have to identify where the money would come from,” Caballero said.

Caballero said she doesn’t support the state Legislature dictating the investments public pensions can make, but she said retirement systems should have discussion internally if they should invest in such higher-risk funds.




