

calm before the storm

[ kahm bi-fawr thuh stawrm, kahlm ]


  1. a lull or temporary period of quiet before a tumultuous event, such as a storm or an episode of excitement, activity, violence, etc.:

    The evening was very pleasant, and it was surprising to see no one taking advantage of the calm before the storm.

    April felt like the calm before the storm as my calendar for May through July has very quickly filled up with concerts, visitors, and trips.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of calm before the storm1

First recorded in 1600–10
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Example Sentences

It’s the calm before the storm, and there’s already been the storm.

Carter was the calm before the storm.

From Salon

The coach and signal caller prayed — as they do before every game, basking in the calm before the storm.

His music was both the calm before the storm and the tool needed to find peace in the middle of it.

When the “Flag Flight” charter finally landed at Los Angeles International Airport, taxiing to a hangar away from the main terminals, the mood was celebratory, perhaps a calm before the storm.




