

View synonyms for cavalcade


[ kav-uhl-keyd, kav-uhl-keyd ]


  1. a procession of persons riding on horses, in horsedrawn carriages, in cars, etc.
  2. any procession.

    Synonyms: retinue, parade

  3. any noteworthy series, as of events or activities.


/ ˌkævəlˈkeɪd /


  1. a procession of people on horseback, in cars, etc
  2. any procession

    a cavalcade of guests

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of cavalcade1

1585–95; < Middle French < early Italian cavalcata horseback raid, equivalent to cavalc ( are ) to ride on horseback (< Late Latin caballicāre, equivalent to caball ( us ) horse ( cavalier ) + -icā- v. suffix + -re infinitive ending) + -ata -ade 1
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Word History and Origins

Origin of cavalcade1

C16: from French, from Italian cavalcata, from cavalcare to ride on horseback, from Late Latin caballicāre, from caballus horse
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Example Sentences

During the next 22 years, she was involved in a cavalcade of mostly low-level criminal cases, including a trio of burglary convictions, a grand theft conviction and a shoplifting conviction.

In the daytime, Disneyland will provide a character cavalcade rather than one of its full parade productions.

This week, the less-than-dapper Don continues to nominate members of his Cabinet in a seemingly unending cavalcade of circus performers and reality television stars.

From Salon

The game, unsurprisingly, was a cavalcade of clumsiness.

If the opening was an often confusing but certainly stimulating cavalcade of images and events, the closing was presented as a single, stately, snail’s-pace theater piece — something like Robert Wilson directing the Cirque du Soleil.




