
View synonyms for certify


[ sur-tuh-fahy ]

verb (used with object)

certified, certifying.
  1. to attest as certain; give reliable information of; confirm:

    He certified the truth of his claim.

    Synonyms: guarantee, validate, verify, corroborate

  2. to testify to or vouch for in writing:

    The medical examiner will certify his findings to the court.

  3. to guarantee; endorse reliably:

    to certify a document with an official seal.

  4. to guarantee (a check) by writing on its face that the account against which it is drawn has sufficient funds to pay it.
  5. to award a certificate to (a person) attesting to the completion of a course of study or the passing of a qualifying examination.
  6. to declare legally insane and committable to a mental institution.
  7. Archaic. to assure or inform with certainty.

verb (used without object)

certified, certifying.
  1. to give assurance; testify; vouch for the validity of something (usually followed by to ).


/ ˈsɜːtɪˌfaɪ /


  1. to confirm or attest (to), usually in writing

    the letter certified her age

  2. tr to endorse or guarantee (that certain required standards have been met)
  3. to give reliable information or assurances

    he certified that it was Walter's handwriting

  4. tr to declare legally insane
  5. tr (of a bank) to state in writing on (a cheque) that payment is guaranteed
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • ˈcertiˌfier, noun
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Other Words From

  • certi·fier noun
  • pre·certi·fy verb (used with object) precertified precertifying
  • re·certi·fy verb (used with object) recertified recertifying
  • un·certi·fying adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of certify1

1300–50; Middle English certifien < Middle French certifier < Late Latin certificāre, equivalent to Latin certi- (combining form of certus decided; certain ) + -ficāre -fy
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Word History and Origins

Origin of certify1

C14: from Old French certifier, from Medieval Latin certificāre to make certain, from Latin certus certain + facere to make
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Example Sentences

Flight crew themselves can't certify a death - this has to be done by medical personnel.

From BBC

What happens if they say, “Actually, the election can't certify there's fraud.”

From Salon

It requested that accreditation of cannabis testing labs be moved to the State Water Resources Control Board, which already certifies private labs to test food, water, soil and hazardous waste.

Weeks later, the Army Corps of Engineers had tagged the trees for removal, but certified arborists had inspected them as a second opinion and deemed them healthy.

I’ve already certified that the AmeriCorps volunteers that are assigned to us, in fact, are in full compliance with all the executive orders, but we’re going back and forth on that.





certified public accountantcertiorari