

View synonyms for Chambers


[ cheym-berz ]


  1. Robert, 1802–71, Scottish publisher and editor.
  2. Robert William, 1865–1933, U.S. novelist and illustrator.
  3. Whittaker Jay David Chambers, 1901–61, U.S. journalist, Communist spy, and accuser of Alger Hiss.


/ ˈtʃeɪmbəz /

plural noun

  1. a judge's room for hearing cases not taken in open court
  2. (in England) the set of rooms occupied by barristers where clients are interviewed (in London, mostly in the Inns of Court)
  3. archaic.
    a suite of rooms; apartments
  4. (in the US) the private office of a judge
  5. in chambers
    1. in the privacy of a judge's chambers
    2. in a court not open to the public Former name for sense 5in camera
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Example Sentences

The review is being carried out by Jason Beer KC, head of 5 Essex Chambers in London.

From BBC

However, she said Mr Chambers instead insisted on discussing his belief that "no deliberate harm had been caused".

From BBC

Ticketing expert Tim Chambers says the expense of touring has exploded over the past couple of years.

From BBC

“It’s always been a very accepting community of eccentric people of all types,” said Chambers, who purchased his home from the estate of the infamous compost czar Tim Dundon, also known as Zeke the Sheik.

Sentencing him, Judge Michael Chambers KC said Allen had made Ms Reece's life "a living nightmare" and had "clearly caused" her to kill herself.

From BBC





chamber potChambersburg