


[ shap-uh-rey-ohs; Spanish chah-pah-rah-haws ]


(used with a plural verb)
  1. (in Mexico) chaps.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of chaparajos1

1860–65, Americanism; < Mexican Spanish, variant of chaparejos, probably blend of chaparral chaparral and aparejos, plural of aparejo gear; akin to apparel
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Example Sentences

Cursory glances at drawings she had seen made her familiar with the type, but the cowboys of those drawings had been magnificently arrayed in leather chaparajos, usually fringed with spangles; and with long-roweled spurs; magnificent wide brims—also bespangled, and various other articles of personal adornment, bewildering and awe inspiring.

With no model other than mental images of his favorite pony, "Morgan," and a long-legged, lean-jawed man in a gallon hat and leather chaparajos he worked up models full of tense horse-and-man action in which every muscle, strap and stretch of skin strained perfectly or lay in lifelike ease.

Men were marked by their saddles, their 255 chaparajos, their weapons.

Into the ring rode the four slim, young top riders of the ranch force, chaparajos and sombreros being much in evidence.

It would electrify some of my friends who have accused me of representing the kid-gloved element in politics if they could see me galloping over the plains, day in and day out, clad in a buckskin shirt and leather chaparajos, with a big sombrero on my head.




