

View synonyms for chapeau


[ sha-poh; French sha-poh ]


plural chapeaux chapeaus.
  1. a hat.
  2. Heraldry.
    1. a representation of a low-crowned hat with a turned-up brim, usually of a different tincture, used either as a charge or as part of a crest.
    2. a cap depicted within a representation of a crown or coronet.


/ ˈʃæpəʊ; ʃapo /


  1. a hat
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of chapeau1

1515–25; < French; Old French chapel wreath, hat < Late Latin cappellus hood, hat, equivalent to capp ( a ) ( cap 1 ) + -ellus diminutive suffix
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Word History and Origins

Origin of chapeau1

C16: from French, from Late Latin cappellus hood, from cappa cap
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Example Sentences

Fitting, given that anything more than one foot in front of her would be invisible beneath the shadow of her cockamamie chapeau.

From Salon

It was a different hat — a cartoonish chapeau — Kelce donned a decade ago when he began a journey that would impact thousands of children and families in his adopted city.

Upon the home’s construction, the Tacoma News Tribune declared it “as modern as milady’s next fall chapeau.”

"For the women collectively changing the future for this sport, I say chapeau to them," she said.

From BBC

Mistaking the Brit Awards for Royal Ascot, Ella Henderson turned up in a voluminous chapeau, which she then insisted on wearing throughout the ceremony.

From BBC


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chapechapeau bras