

View synonyms for chapel


[ chap-uhl ]


  1. a private or subordinate place of prayer or worship; oratory.
  2. a separately dedicated part of a church, or a small independent churchlike edifice, devoted to special services.
  3. a room or building for worship in an institution, palace, etc.
  4. (in Great Britain) a place of worship for members of various dissenting Protestant churches, as Baptists or Methodists.
  5. a separate place of public worship dependent on the church of a parish.
  6. a religious service in a chapel:

    Don't be late for chapel!

  7. a funeral home or the room in which funeral services are held.
  8. a choir or orchestra of a chapel, court, etc.
  9. a print shop or printing house.
  10. an association of employees in a print shop for dealing with their interests, problems, etc.

verb (used with object)

chapeled, chapeling or (especially British) chapelled, chapelling.
  1. Nautical. to maneuver (a sailing vessel taken aback) by the helm alone until the wind can be recovered on the original tack.


  1. (in England) belonging to any of various dissenting Protestant sects.


/ ˈtʃæpəl /


  1. a place of Christian worship in a larger building, esp a place set apart, with a separate altar, in a church or cathedral
  2. a similar place of worship in or attached to a large house or institution, such as a college, hospital or prison
  3. a church subordinate to a parish church
  4. in Britain
    1. a Nonconformist place of worship
    2. Nonconformist religious practices or doctrine
    3. ( as adjective ) Compare church

      he is chapel, but his wife is church

  5. (in Scotland) a Roman Catholic church
  6. the members of a trade union in a particular newspaper office, printing house, etc
  7. a printing office
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of chapel1

1175–1225; Middle English chapele < Old French < Late Latin cappella hooded cloak, equivalent to capp ( a ) ( cap 1 ) + -ella diminutive suffix; first applied to the sanctuary where the cloak of St. Martin (4th-century bishop of Tours) was kept as a relic
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Word History and Origins

Origin of chapel1

C13: from Old French chapele, from Late Latin cappella, diminutive of cappa cloak (see cap ); originally denoting the sanctuary where the cloak of St Martin of Tours was kept as a relic
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Example Sentences

The 88-year-old prayed on Saturday morning in the chapel of the papal suite at Rome's Gemelli Hospital, where he is being treated.

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He's a large man with muscular shoulders and smiles broadly when we meet in the prison chapel, softly shaking my hand.

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A funeral home in the same area which contains a chapel was also set on fire at around 10:00, but no one was in the building.

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One of Gareth's most cherished accomplishments was building a replica of the village chapel out of wooden clothes pegs.

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As we walk around Lakeside School, we pass the chapel where they held his funeral and where Gates remembers crying on the steps.

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