

chapter head


  1. printed material appearing before and usually above the text of a chapter, as a title, number, quotation, etc.

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Walker had a vacancy to fill and had three people on his shortlist: two Court of Appeals justices and the former attorney for an anti-abortion group and Federalist Society chapter head, Dan Kelly.

From Salon

Kelly had been an attorney for an anti-abortion group and was the Milwaukee lawyers chapter head of the Federalist Society, but he had never been a judge.

From Salon

Now, clinics in Afghanistan’s eastern Khost Province no longer can afford to clean even as they are beset with COVID-19 patients, and the region’s hospitals have asked patients to purchase their own syringes, according to Organization for Health Promotion and Management’s local chapter head Abdul Wali.

The syndicate head, Hussein Khairy, and Cairo chapter head Sherine Ghaleb wrote to the prime minister, Mostafa Madbouly, in early May demanding a full lockdown for the last two weeks of the Ramadan holy month to deal a “swift knockout” to the virus, warning of a surge in cases if no further action was taken.

The work Walton and others did saved millions of lives, said chapter head Tom Beck, a Korean War veteran wounded during a mine-clearing operation in January 1953.





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