

View synonyms for charity



[ char-i-tee ]


plural charities.
  1. generous actions or donations to aid people who are poor, ill, or needy:

    to devote one's life to charity.

  2. something given to a person or persons in need; alms:

    She asked for work, not charity.

  3. a charitable act or work.
  4. a charitable fund, foundation, or institution:

    He left his estate to a charity.

  5. benevolent feeling, especially toward those in need or in disfavor:

    She looked so hungry that we fed her out of charity.

    Synonyms: aid, philanthropy, altruism, almsgiving, quarter, mercy, indulgence, lenity, leniency, clemency, sympathy, pity, benignity, humanity, goodwill, compassion, kindness, kindliness, benevolence, donation, dole, contribution, beneficence, benefaction

    Antonyms: malevolence

  6. leniency in judging others; forbearance:

    She was inclined to view our selfish behavior with charity.

  7. Christian love; agape.



[ char-i-tee ]


  1. a female given name.


/ ˈtʃærɪtɪ /


    1. the giving of help, money, food, etc, to those in need
    2. ( as modifier )

      a charity show

    1. an institution or organization set up to provide help, money, etc, to those in need
    2. ( as modifier )

      charity funds

  1. the help, money, etc, given to the needy; alms
  2. a kindly and lenient attitude towards people
  3. love of one's fellow men
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Other Words From

  • chari·ty·less adjective
  • over·chari·ty noun
  • pro·chari·ty adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of charity1

First recorded in 1125–75; Middle English charite, from Old French charite, cherite, from Latin cāritāt- (stem of cāritās “high price, costliness, dearness, affection, esteem”), equivalent to cār(us) “costly, dear” + -itāt- noun suffix; cherish, Kama, caress; -ity
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Word History and Origins

Origin of charity1

C13: from Old French charite, from Latin cāritās affection, love, from cārus dear
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Example Sentences

Analysis published last month by the charity estimates that up to 74,000 women a year lose their jobs after getting pregnant or while on maternity leave – up by more than a third since 2016.

From BBC

A former MP said he was preparing to move to Ukraine to continue his charity work because it was better then "simply sending cheques over".

From BBC

Disability charity Scope said a "complex, adversarial and difficult to navigate" system contributed to the rejections.

From BBC

Paul Miner, head of planning and policy at CPRE, the countryside charity, said the group supported the use of CPOs to build genuinely affordable homes on previously developed land.

From BBC

Former England striker Rooney will also come out of retirement to play in the annual charity match against a World XI on Sunday, 15 June.

From BBC


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