

View synonyms for chockablock


or chock-a-block

[ chok-uh-blok ]


  1. extremely full; crowded; jammed:

    a room chockablock with furniture and plants.

  2. Nautical. having the blocks drawn close together, as when the tackle is hauled to the utmost.


  1. in a crowded manner:

    books piled chockablock on the narrow shelf.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of chockablock1

First recorded in 1790–1800; chock (in the sense wedge) + -a- connnecting vowel that is probably a reduced form of and + block (in the sense solid mass of wood)
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Example Sentences

As Justin Chang wrote in his New Yorker review of the two movies, “Both are chockablock with political conspiracies, authoritarian abuses and foul-tempered monkeys, none of which adds up to a full-blown phenomenon.”

Mori properties are chockablock with amenities, but they are not necessarily spacious or affordable.

“In a life chockablock with joy and success, my two failed marriages are my greatest regret.”

This ocean-facing strip is chockablock with cafes, bars, restaurants and shops.

In the cold months, the village that is chockablock with tourists in summer settles in for its long winter’s nap.


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More About Chockablock

What does chockablock mean?

Chockablock describes something, such as a space, that is filled to the utmost or extremely crowded.

Chockablock can describe anything that is literally filled to capacity, such as a room or a container, as in All the bins in the store were chockablock with sale items. 

Frequently, it is used to describe a space filled with people, as in The museum’s special exhibit of mummies was chockablock with people.

Chockablock can also be used figuratively to mean filled throughout, as in You’ll always find a place to eat because this neighborhood is chockablock with restaurants.

Chockablock also means in a crowded manner, as in After the concert let out, the subway trains were filled chockablock with concertgoers.

In nautical terms, chockablock means having the blocks drawn close together. In this situation, a block is a case that contains pulleys. On large ships, multiple blocks will often be used in tandem to create a pulley system known as a block and tackle, which is used to lift heavy weights or to open large sails with the use of a single rope or mechanism. When these blocks are pulled together so that they are touching while holding their full load, they are described as being chockablock.

Example: This place is chockablock with people. I think we should go somewhere else.

Where does chockablock come from?

The first records of the term chockablock come from around the 1790s. It combines the term chock, meaning “a wedge or block of wood,” -a-, which connects the two terms, and block, meaning “a solid mass of wood.” 

Did you know ... ?

What are some other forms related to chockablock?

  • chock-a-block (alternative spelling)
  • chocker (noun)

What are some synonyms for chockablock?

What are some words that share a root or word element with chockablock

What are some words that often get used in discussing chockablock?

How is chockablock used in real life?

Chockablock is almost always used informally to talk about something being overly full.


Try using chockablock!

Which of the following is NOT a synonym for chockablock?

A. packed
B. empty
C. full
D. brimming



