


or choad

[ chohd ]


Slang: Vulgar.
  1. a stupid, unpleasant, or contemptible person, especially a man.
  2. a penis, especially one notable for being unusually short and thick.
  3. the area in front of the anus extending to the scrotum; perineum.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of chode1

First recorded in 1965–70; of disputed origin; perhaps akin to Hindi chod “detestable person,” chodnā “to copulate”
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Example Sentences

It’s accepted wisdom that American politics was forever changed by the televised 1960 presidential debate between charming rogue John F Kennedy and simpering troglodyte vampire chode Richard Nixon.

Chode Figturd= al qaeda...this guy hopefully be reincarnated as a dung beetle...beat by...

Chode, chōd, an obsolete pa.t. of Chide.

He was out of sympathy with the Lord's humiliation, so that he chode with Him for stooping to wash his feet; and if he could not understand the significance and necessity of this lowly deed of love, how could he enter into the spirit of that life which was planted in death, and which bore even in resurrection the print of the nails?

He chode Father this Morning for Organ-playing, saying he doubted its lawfullness.




