

View synonyms for client


[ klahy-uhnt ]


  1. a person or group that uses the professional advice or services of a lawyer, accountant, advertising agency, architect, etc.
  2. a person who is receiving the benefits, services, etc., of a social welfare agency, a government bureau, etc.
  3. a customer.
  4. anyone under the patronage of another; a dependent.
  5. Computers. a computer or an application on a computer that communicates with a remote server:

    Exit the program before installing the patch to update the client.

  6. (in ancient Rome) a plebeian who lived under the patronage of a patrician.


  1. being a regular customer:

    a client company.

  2. economically, and often militarily, dependent upon a more prosperous, more powerful nation.


/ ˈklaɪənt; klaɪˈɛntəl /


  1. a person, company, etc, that seeks the advice of a professional man or woman
  2. a customer
  3. a person who is registered with or receiving services or financial aid from a welfare agency
  4. computing a program or work station that requests data or information from a server
  5. a person depending on another's patronage
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ klīənt /

  1. A program that runs on a personal computer or workstation connected to a computer network and requests information from a file server.
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Derived Forms

  • cliental, adjective
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Other Words From

  • cli·en·tal [klahy-, en, -tl, klahy, -, uh, n-tl], adjective
  • non·client adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of client1

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English, from Latin client-, stem of cliēns “person seeking the protection or influence of someone powerful”; perhaps akin to clīnāre “to bend” ( incline )
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Word History and Origins

Origin of client1

C14: from Latin cliēns retainer, dependant; related to Latin clīnāre to lean
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Example Sentences

Nearby may be a range of wellness businesses such as StretchLab where clients get help stretching to relieve muscle and joint pain, improve posture and reduce stress.

“For our clients, we are really counseling to take a beat and let’s see what happens,” said Haussler, who plans to rebuild her house.

His lawyer said that he was legally protesting U.S. foreign policy and that his client is being used to make a political point against free speech.

No wonder I talked a blue streak about money with Elvira — about the hourly billing rate I charged, the new clients I landed, the prospects I was pitching and my projected annual revenues.

From Salon

The first was following an incident at work where she had included her personal Facebook account on an email to a client and her employer was unhappy.

From BBC




